Florence 1 schools set to host first on-campus games

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SF Band dad
South Florence Bruins
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Re: Florence 1 schools set to host first on-campus games

Post by SF Band dad »

I think FS1 would welcome new developments, it would increase the tax base. The problem here is they didn't build 20 to 40 years ago like they should have, now they have a bunch of buildings that are 40 to 50 years old. Our stagnant tax base can't afford to catch up and replace them all. Extracurricular activities and athletic facilities end up taking a back seat. :cry:

I drove by Wilson HS when I left work at about 7PM. It was raining, a lot of cars in the parking lot, but not many people in the "stadium" yet. They had some food vendors out there but they added no additional seating and I didn't see any porta-johns. They chose the right opponent to do this with, the Lower Richland bleachers had no one in them.

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