Deputy wrote:Speaking of the Vikings, what is going on over there? Miller came over from Byrnes, and was pretty successful for a few years. Granted he inherited some real good talent, but just about everyone says that Spartanburg always has talent. They dipped last year, and one figures that maybe they were young, injured, chemistry issues, or just one of those years where everything that can go wrong, does go wrong. In the off season they go hire McManus from South Pointe who many said was an offensive guru. But they don't seem to be any better this year. One would figure that Miller didnt suddenly forget how to coach. Are they just going through some odd talent dip? Just want to hear what you Spartanburg folks think is going on.
I have heard(ONLY HEAR SAY) that there are some administrative problems at SHS going on behind the scenes. I don't think CM has any support on getting multi sport athletes.