40 Team Realignment for AAAAA

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Re: 40 Team Realignment for AAAAA

Post by Tigerific »

Horry and Richland County could do the same

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Re: 40 Team Realignment for AAAAA

Post by Chuckster »

Penguin wrote:
Chuckster wrote:Great discussion....Thanks for the work and insight.....Penquin or whatever - don;t be such an ass....This is a discussion board for giving ideas / suggestions.......
Ideas and suggestions about some half baked crock of crap? C'mon man, unwad you panties and get ALL of the information before trying to fix a problem with half the required information.
Do_It_Right!!!!! Thank you for your input. I like the concept and thoughts.... Penquin, if you are so damn smart, lay out your proposal......No one has ALL the information needed at this point; BUT AGAIN, this is discussion board to put forth opinions, thoughts and ideas.....
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Re: 40 Team Realignment for AAAAA

Post by DeCav »

AngryMax wrote:
Penguin wrote:
Chuckster wrote:Great discussion....Thanks for the work and insight.....Penquin or whatever - don;t be such an ass....This is a discussion board for giving ideas / suggestions.......
Ideas and suggestions about some half baked crock of crap? C'mon man, unwad you panties and get ALL of the information before trying to fix a problem with half the required information.

Since when does anyone come here for cold hard facts? Arent we all here for half baked crocks of crap? I know I am.

Wow. One of those rare gems these days. A perfect post. GTTF!


Me too! Check out the Dorman Eat and Greet thread! ;)

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Re: 40 Team Realignment for AAAAA

Post by DeCav »

Chuckster wrote:
Penguin wrote:
Chuckster wrote:Great discussion....Thanks for the work and insight.....Penquin or whatever - don;t be such an ass....This is a discussion board for giving ideas / suggestions.......
Ideas and suggestions about some half baked crock of crap? C'mon man, unwad you panties and get ALL of the information before trying to fix a problem with half the required information.
Do_It_Right!!!!! Thank you for your input. I like the concept and thoughts.... Penquin, if you are so damn smart, lay out your proposal......No one has ALL the information needed at this point; BUT AGAIN, this is discussion board to put forth opinions, thoughts and ideas.....
Just my two cents. (Steven Wright:"Why is it a penny for your thoughts but you have to put your two cents in? Somebody's making a penny.")

Me and Penguin have always had a very respectful relationship.
So let me speak for Penguin on this issue about all the hatred being spewed at him.

If you don't like what he is saying and you think he is too stubborn to reach or even worse you think that he is trolling you.....


He has begged and pleaded with just about every person who has reacted to him to please please please put him on ignore.

Why would you not accomodate him????????

Everybody says there is a dirth of facts on this board.

It's all I ever read somedays. No one has all the facts.

Here is a fact....take it to the bank....I promise you won't be disappointed...I know this like I know the sun will come up tomorrow....

Put him on ignore if you don't ever agree with him and I promise your life will be much better because you will have removed a thorn from your shoe that you clearly know is there and nobody ever had a thorn that removed itself. You have to get tweezers and do the work.

The work is put any poster on ignore and stick to your guns.....

Stop rubber-necking and throwing good money after bad in these silly penny auctions.

If you find you are throwing bricks in the Grand Canyon or that you are rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.....

If you feel your forehead bruised after endless attempts to bust a hole in the wall with your skull, then stop looking at the wall and really, don't even think about it. Ghost the wall.

Penguin won't care I promise you.

He really wants you to stop picking on him and just ignore him.

He's sharing his thoughts and opinions.

I think we all agree they don't change that often. Just taking the temperature....I haven't seen a single poster agree with Penguin or support him except SLICK.

SLICK, you are a good friend. Honestly. The only person other than me on here sticking up for him.

I'm sure SLICK and Penguin will give a ringing cheer of "AMEN!!!!"

"Well said DeCav!"

Finally a voice of logic and reason.

I've tried ignore before. My first season one poster posted something awful (Luke) and I clicked ignore not knowing how ignore worked. He was the first guy I tried it with. About 15 minutes later I saw another thread and a message saying
"A poster on your ignore list has posted something you said you do not wish to see....click here to see this"
“Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: 40 Team Realignment for AAAAA

Post by DeCav »

But seriously...

I clicked on the link to see the post and it was another meaningless post with toxic language....i believe the account got suspended after the second post.
I stared at it. And I said....."I never like anything that guy ever says. Why did i choose to ignore it and then click on it anyway? Should have trusted my gut!"

Never clicked another link that was ignoring a post. Don't usually have to ignore anyone. There isn't anyone on my ignore list now and hasn't been for probably 6 years now?

Didn't even ignore Vic.....

It was impossible to ignore Vic....because 80% of the board came a runnin' when they heard the dinner bell every day and they'd get right in line to feed on his fecal posts.

Which meant I had to stomach it all until I wrote a post of my own.

But I digress,

The point here is that I always know ignore is an option.

And if I see something quoted by another fan I still ignore it. I bird-box myself from the insanity. (Colby that's a movie reference but you take it anywhere you want, ok?)

That's how I moderate. Sometimes it works. Most of the time it's like herding cats but I find it sometimes effective and always entertaining.

Well I'm going to bed.

Peace out SLICK. Love you mean it.
Penguin....you're welcome.

“Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: 40 Team Realignment for AAAAA

Post by Penguin »

Thanks DeCav. I pride myself on never being just another cult member following a pack of thirsty wolves to the kool aid stand. I received an education, was blessed with a brain, and I choose to use the 2 in a positive manner. Popular, hell no. But I am my own master, bow to no man, and answer only unto myself. There is nobody on this website capable of changing my opinions.

I sit here is amazement at the very idea that anyone would attempt to solve a problem with only part of the pieces. A jiggsaw puzzle can be assembled with the pieces upside down, and good on anyone capable of doing so. However, try putting that thing together with half of the pieces missing. May as well beat your head up against a block wall.

This brings us to the ignorant comments about not wanting facts or not needing facts. Whew, what a loaded position to take given our liar-in-chief and the band of morons that blindly support his blatant lies that all fly in the face of facts. This says far more about you than it does about him.

Thanks again DeCav, you prove that people can have a different opinion and not regress into mindless ad-hoc attacks. Peace
The "Godfather" didn't whine like The "Slobfather" is doing, when he got INDICTED!!!!!

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