we need to start a gofundme website to get the chapman coach

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Gaffney Indians
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we need to start a gofundme website to get the chapman coach

Post by notabyrnesfan »

with the gaffney high athletics budget $300,000 in the red i dont know any other way to make this happen but we have only had one home playoff game in six years and changes have to be coming in some shape or form. is the school board blind? we all know the new superintendent is too busy worried about consolidating elementary schools and implementing year round school. he fired the blacksburg coach who has the same amount of region titles as coach jones but more home playoff games coaching at blacksburg since 2014 but jones claimed in the ledger the new weight room that opens in may will help but it wont help him all of a sudden become a better coach! when will the madness ever end?

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Byrnes Rebels
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Re: we need to start a gofundme website to get the chapman c

Post by Colbyc36 »

Change your name to notajonesfan. It's a start. It will help raise awareness to your plight.
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-Tom Knotts

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