We had a few upsets picked correctly this week.
SF Band dad wrote:Myrtle Beach 272.9 Wren 265.6 4
Wren by 14
96fanatic wrote:Barnwell 243.3 Saluda 224.9 9
Saluda by 5
BEAUFORTEAGLESFAN wrote:Myrtle Beach 272.9 Wren 265.6 4
Wren by 7
EHSMeanGreen wrote:Barnwell 243.3 Saluda 224.9 9
Saluda by 8
All Great Picks!

But our winner for this week is.....
He correctly picked the upset!

Saluda beat Barnwell 39-14.#1cyclonefan wrote:Barnwell 243.3 Saluda 224.9 9 Saluda by 10

Congratulations to #1cyclonefan.