Playoffs Round One - It's almost time for Kick Off

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Playoffs Round One - It's almost time for Kick Off

Post by Rebel-Fan-74 »

Safe travels to all tonight and I hope you have a great time as well.

I expect we may see a surprise or two before it's all over tonight; however, I'm going to stick with my earlier thoughts on the 5A bracket and stick with all the home teams with one exception, Carolina Forest over Goose Creek.

For the 4A bracket, I think there are a few visiting teams that could have a happy ride home. Myrtle Beach seems the most likely to have a happy bus ride.

I was thinking how great it would be to have the old prayer that Low Country Rev used to post every Friday:

The sun is shining. The birds are singing. The lines are being drawn on the field.

It's time for another football Friday.

May all who participate in tonight's games play to the best of their abilities.

May the coaches demonstrate to their players how to be good winners and good losers.

May the officials make fair and unbiased calls.

May all have safe travels to and from their games.

May no one get injured seriously.

May coaches, players, and fans control their tempers if the ball doesn't bounce their way.

May we remember that tonight's scores will soon be forgotten but the character, cooperation, and responsibility learned tonight will last a lifetime.


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I'm thinking about entering the transfer portal!
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Re: Playoffs Round One - It's almost time for Kick Off

Post by EHSMeanGreen »

Be safe and have fun.

Good Luck everybody! (except Seneca) ;) :mrgreen:

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Re: Playoffs Round One - It's almost time for Kick Off

Post by bigdog2003 »

I decided not to make the trip to Chesnee tonight to watch the Bulldogs play. I have a cold, but in this COVID era, people give you strange looks if you sneeze or cough even with a mask on, so I'm staying home. I'll be listening and hopefully posting updates on here if I remember.

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Re: Playoffs Round One - It's almost time for Kick Off


now the ref is bald headed and potbellied

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