Opening Weekend of High School Football is here....

Discussions for fans of all teams and all classes of South Carolina High School Football.
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Byrnes Rebels
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Opening Weekend of High School Football is here....

Post by Rebel-Fan-74 »

Well, it’s not really FOOTBALL WEATHER, the sun is shining bright and it’s hot and humid. But, the lines are being drawn on the field, the crowd is gathering, cheerleaders are on the sidelines and the band is warming up and here come the players. It's time for another football Friday. Years ago, a fellow by the name of LowCountryRev would post a prayer that went something along the lines of:

May all who participate in tonight's games play to the best of their abilities. May the coaches demonstrate to their players how to be good winners and good losers. May coaches, players, and fans control their tempers if the ball doesn't bounce their way. May the officials make fair and unbiased calls for all the teams. May all the fans have safe travels to and from their games. May no one get injured seriously. May we remember that tonight's scores will soon be forgotten but the character, cooperation, and responsibility learned tonight will last a lifetime. AMEN!

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I'm thinking about entering the transfer portal!
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Onion Rings
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Re: Opening Weekend of High School Football is here....

Post by Onion Rings »

good post!

good luck to all teams and fans

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