midstateguy wrote: ↑Sat Dec 04, 2021 9:40 am
In the Columbia area there is a lot of movement of kids. We all know about Gray but Richland One and Two allow movement of kids as well. These districts are dictating to the SCHSL transfer rules. It is not supposed to work that way. There needs to be 2 divisions. Traditional and school choice. If you choose traditional you must abide by all high school league rules as far as transfers. If caught breaking rules your team is out of the playoffs.
Everyone else can play in the school choice/wild west league.
I like your train of thought!
You hit on something I wanted to elaborate on; which is the fact the school districts kind of created some of this. Charter/Collegiate/Academies/Prepatory/etc. schools were big in northern states for years. Plucking the best talent out of public schools and then having that kid go play his old h.s. and people sit back and still look in amazement that the private school won the contest. How could they not when they took that schools best/brightest + added best and brightest from other schools? Making the other team weaker off the gate. Let alone the across the board talent!
I would say this - parents making moves to better their kids future is not the problem here. Years ago with Byrnes H.S. if I was a parent with a kid I thought had next level potentiall and I could have gotten him to Byrnes - "I Would Have"! **Important Piece** Especially if the H.S. my kid attends has him A. playing out of position. B. is not giving him the guidance/coaching they need to improve. C. have no connection with colleges and aren't interested in really helping my kid get to the next level. D. have a very laid back approach to the sport - i.e. they are just filling a billet and winning and doing well isn't important. D. the school academically isn't preparing my kid for the next level.
Any of those are true - and granted - the one about the kid playing out of position is a bit tricky. What I mean there is; "he's an outstanding WR in a offense that is at least balanced; but we are zoned for a school/coach/team that only passes the ball 2 times a game"!
In that scenario; what administrators have never connected the dots on is - "the scheme doesn't fit the kids skill set"! That same kid could one day(who knows) make it to the league and be the biggest donor the school has ever seen; but they won't likely get that chance because they won't be able to display what they can do on the football field. That option coach may have them as a RB and they may just be average at that or slightly above average - then they fall into the not FBS material bucket or not given a chance by any school on any level. No video to show in order to get an invite to camps! It's just bad!
We do it for academics all the time - at least in college! Remember the rule about you can be a graduate transfer if the school you are at does not offer certain classes "you need"?
Same thing!
It's the same thing; because you need that scheme in order to improve and get video so you can set yourself up with an invite to camp so you can prove your worth/value. But, you won't get the opportunity more than likely playing out your element. Well, do it for the team they may say! Okay, sounds good, but are the parents who have a science wiz going to leave their kid in a school that is horrible at science? No; they won't! People just can't wrap their head about this because it's sports! It carries the same possibility of leading to "More Opportunity" as the academic situation! Obviously, at a institute of higher learning if you are good enough.
But, I put a bunch of this on the school districts trying to keep the facade that it's supposed to be even - although one school has a staff possibly that cares more and is more knowledgeable of a sport than another school. Don't punish the kid! The kids that just want to wear the uniform and get the Letter jacket can go to that school and play for that staff! The school that is serious about making you a better player/person/student and possible next level player should have that opportunity. Get all the schools to the point where they have a Tom Knotts there and you won't see so many kids trying to break neck to play there! Same thing for Byrnes years ago! I don't believe the school recruited at all! The parents of kids with potential - sought out the school district and zone! And, I don't blame them for the above reasons given! Opportunity to improve and better ones situation!
Staying and not giving yourself a chance might be admirable; but is it the best thing for your long term goals? Will you live with regret of what could have been? Probably! Especially if you had the talent that was not cultivated and developed where you were at.