Ding Dong, the Wicked Witch Is Dead....for a little while.

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Dutch Fork Silver Foxes
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Ding Dong, the Wicked Witch Is Dead....for a little while.

Post by DFOLDMAN »

First off, hats off to Fort D and Gaffney. Elite programs. Well played gentlemen, well played.
If DF had to lose one, I am glad it was a team like Gaffney.

Gaffney, Fort D., Byrnes, Irmo...after the deaths of the DF players this season all teams, but especially those teams treated the entire DF family like their family. Appreciated by all more than you know. Honestly, after all those kids went through this season, I was a bit surprised they did not lose before the final week. Another great season, and they did Gage and Jack proud.

Been offline since before Thanksgiving...when it rains it pours. Had a death in the family (uncle), then a 911 call and my mom rushed to the hospital with chest pains (she is okay now) and my youngest son's surgery. Major ortho surgery...metal plate, screws, pins etc. I had him for the early recovery at our place at the foot of Caesars Head....no internet and very limited cell service...he is single, an outdoorsman, athletic and 27-always on the go, so he was a "delightful" patient- like a caged cat. Some quality father- son bonding time. He was in some serious pain with all the work they did on him. He is a grouchy cuss, not sure where that comes from.

Fort D and Gaffney....hearts of a champion. Honestly, from looking at the game, FD was the better team that night. Gaffney's 4th quarter charge was about digging deep. Great job, Injuns.

DF is ready to start a new winning streak...good nucleus returning especially on defense- and some off season "recruiting" (look out Gray! haha), and they will be hungry. 2022 will be fun!

Congratulations to all the other classification champions SSC, Gray, The Greater Six Mile-Central Megalopolis D.Wistar, and South Pointe....and yes, Beaufort fans are still my very favorite "rented mules"....some things never change.

Fear The Fox!

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Re: Ding Dong, the Wicked Witch Is Dead....for a little while.

Post by bbrown1240 »

Sorry for your loss and hope your mom and son are doing better.

Dutch Fork is not going anywhere. That community has been through a lot this season. They will be back.

Glad someone admitted to the recruiting lol.

Dutch Fork Silver Foxes
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Re: Ding Dong, the Wicked Witch Is Dead....for a little while.

Post by DFOLDMAN »

Thank you. Been a crazy few weeks.

Ha...that 6'4" QB from NC just materialized out of thin air...recruiting?...what recruiting?...haha.

Sumter ain't going anywhere either...always a good team.

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Re: Ding Dong, the Wicked Witch Is Dead....for a little while.


i heard you was on a secret assignment to granada, helping clint eastwood with another one of his useless movies.

Gaffney Indians
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Re: Ding Dong, the Wicked Witch Is Dead....for a little while.

Post by mikey »

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