Scorestream Sample Game

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Dorman Cavaliers
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Scorestream Sample Game

Post by DeCav »

Just talked with the folks from scorestream and they gave me a tip that should eliminate anymore practice scoring on SC matchups.

Anyone who downloads the app can now try it out and goof around with using it to get the feel of how you would score a live game.

After you download the app and create the free account, go to your menu and choose "score a game" just like you would with a real matchup. Then click on "home team". You will see a list of teams there. At the top of the list will always be "sample school A mustangs". Click that team. Do the same for the away team, they are "sample team b tigers".

Score away to your hearts content! If there is already a score there and you want to start with a fresh game then create a new game between these two "schools" and choose a different start date for the game. You can scroll into the future or into the past to start a new game. You can practice with the clock (either only quarters or quarters and time), practice leaving comments or photos, try undoing a score and making a correction.

One thing that confused me was the post button. That's only for posting commentary. You don't have to click that to post a score change or have it accept an update. The quickie buttons (td,fg, ect) update automatically as soon as you click them. If you type in a score on the number pad you have to click the checkmark. I have screenshots I can post. We are thinking of a pic tutorial. Folks already signed up to score games can still play around with the sample teams.
“Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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