i could care less what yall say .use what u gotta use to win.(the Carolina way right)Penguin wrote:The SCHSL rules were changed because of EXACTLY what I am posting about. They called it High School Redshirting. It was the brainchild of the cheaters that ran the Summerville Football program. After an initial rule change allowing kids just 4 years of High School eligibility, those same cheaters decided to circumvent the rule by holding kids back in elementary and middle school. Of course, the parents had to agree to sign off on this. It is now no longer allowed. But good ole dook for brains graduated from there, and cannot stand to have the truth about his idol talked about in public. A coach with a record of winning games with college aged players playing against high school kids.
You can still do it they have to prove thats what your doing it for.
Any kind of medical condition nomatter how trivial will sink thier butt and the schl knows it. 4th grader gets held back for speech therapy or many other reasons.so 5 years later the schl going to say you were heldback for football or that reason. Dont believe it jerome aint risking his job over that.