Rays Vs. Dodgers

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Re: Rays Vs. Dodgers

Post by racincowboy02 »

My dad is a huge Orioles fan and I started liking them because of him and have been a fan ever since I can remember. When I was little I got to go to the old Orioles stadium and watch Ripken, Eddie Murray, and that bunch play against the Yankees I do believe when we went up to visit my great uncle who lived in Baltimore.

Want to hear something kind of crazy my grandma was a Cubs and Braves fan. She would watch the Cubs every afternoon on WGTV and then flip it to TBS every night and watch the Braves and the next day we would talk about the games and what she thought was good and bad in both games

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Re: Rays Vs. Dodgers

Post by Penguin »

WGN was the Cubs station and TBS was the Braves station. Every game was televised back then. WGN also carried the Sox games and Ken Harrelson was the color man on those broadcasts.

I used to love listening to Joe Garagiola when he was the color analyst for the MLB Game of the week. Him and Tim McCarver. They made watching a game fun. Of course Bob Uecker did the Brewers games back then. He was every bit as much fun as he was in the movie, MLB.

Today's announcers are dry and stale. No fun to listen to. That is the main reason that I only watch playoff Baseball games. Just too vanilla for me.

Murray, Bumbry, and that bunch, were early 80s teams. Beat the Phillies in one Series, lost to those damn Rats in another.

Memorial Stadium in Baltimore had character. Only the Scoreboard in center field, no seats. But I like Camden Yards better. Do you remember the year that Reggie Jackson played for the Birds? I circus for sure.
The "Godfather" didn't whine like The "Slobfather" is doing, when he got INDICTED!!!!!

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Re: Rays Vs. Dodgers

Post by racincowboy02 »

That may have been before my time I was born in 81 and really didn't start watching and paying attention to baseball til i was about 4 years old so if it was after 85 then i might remember but i highly doubt it

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