How Many Times

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Re: How Many Times

Post by Newcatntown »

Amen Banddad!!! Great post!

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Re: How Many Times

Post by likeitRnot »

SF Band dad wrote:
Mon Nov 16, 2020 10:25 pm
racincowboy02 wrote:
Mon Nov 16, 2020 1:05 pm
I think the trash talk is dying out here because all of the Byrnes posters from PFT haven't transitioned to here yet or they have decided to give it a rest for a while i don't what has happened but it seems like most of the posters from PFT have disappeared which sucks but it is what it is and it is always sweet to send the rebels into basketball season
PFT died because times change and PFT didn't. Actually, that's not exactly true, they did change for the worse. They took a glitch-filled customization of phpBB forum software and layered obtrusive audio and video ads on top, and then later added pop-up surveys on top of those. The pop-up surveys were the last straw for me. I created this forum the week after they instituted the surveys for non-subscribers. They lost sight of the fact that on a forum, the forum members provide the content. They provided nothing except a few occasional links to their pages. They couldn't be bothered to moderate or maintain the site, they just wanted lots of clicks and views to justify their advertising rates.

Back to "times change"...., there are lots of places for the homers to trash talk on the internet. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,....all perfect for the 20-word, hit-and-run ,poke-in-the-eye or kick-in-the-crotch. Just look at the Twitter traffic regarding Muschamp's departure from USC if you have any doubts.

A lot of those JF Byrnes posters at PFT turned out to be fair-weather fans. They made their exit soon after Bentley & Sons moved to Alabama and the decade of dominance in Duncan came to a close. Those that are still here, proudly proclaiming their allegiance are the true fans. You can trust us on this point, we are flying Easley and South Florence colors. I was still there at Carolina Forest in the 4th quarter when our starters finally scored a couple of TDs against their 2s and 3s. It was a long game, a longer drive home and an awfully long, short season. 2020, be gone with you!!
BEST POST I HAVE READ IN A LONG TIME! Very well said!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: How Many Times

Post by Rebel-Fan-74 »

SF Band dad wrote:
Mon Nov 16, 2020 10:25 pm
Back to "times change"...., there are lots of places for the homers to trash talk on the internet. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,....all perfect for the 20-word, hit-and-run ,poke-in-the-eye or kick-in-the-crotch. Just look at the Twitter traffic regarding Muschamp's departure from USC if you have any doubts.
Yeah, those type of posts are available in the standard locations and based on the standard you and EHSMeanGreen have set and continually emphasis, your goals for this place was not to be another place for those posts; you wanted and still want this place to be a BETTER PLACE. A place not filled with cheap shot posts, but real football talk. There is room for some back and forth; getting on each other and that kind of stuff, but PFT was all trash and hardly any football talk. That is why many folks are not here, they don't want football talk, they want to talk trash. I think of it this way...

In my kitchen, I don't put trash on the stove; I put trash in the trash can and food on the stove. This site is not a trash can.
SF Band dad wrote:
Mon Nov 16, 2020 10:25 pm
A lot of those JF Byrnes posters at PFT turned out to be fair-weather fans. They made their exit soon after Bentley & Sons moved to Alabama and the decade of dominance in Duncan came to a close. Those that are still here, proudly proclaiming their allegiance are the true fans. You can trust us on this point, we are flying Easley and South Florence colors. I was still there at Carolina Forest in the 4th quarter when our starters finally scored a couple of TDs against their 2s and 3s. It was a long game, a longer drive home and an awfully long, short season. 2020, be gone with you!!
I was there through the 1-10 years and the 15-0 years. It's my team and always will be my team. I don't think all of those guys from the great years are gone because they were fair weather fans, things change outside of football as well. One has a son that takes a lot of his time now and I'm proud of him for changing. Some were just "in the moment" kind of like my first year on the USS HUE CITY. Only 5 folks claimed to be Atlanta Braves fans and then Sid Bream slid under the tag and the announcer was screaming WORST TO FIRST and the Braves fans were everywhere.

Just as Gaffney fans have good and bad, so do all other schools.... well, most of them... does Berkeley have anyone other than Slicker? Then I guess Berkeley only has good posters.

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I'm thinking about entering the transfer portal!
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Re: How Many Times

Post by racincowboy02 »

Rebel-Fan-74 wrote:
Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:08 am
SF Band dad wrote:
Mon Nov 16, 2020 10:25 pm
Back to "times change"...., there are lots of places for the homers to trash talk on the internet. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,....all perfect for the 20-word, hit-and-run ,poke-in-the-eye or kick-in-the-crotch. Just look at the Twitter traffic regarding Muschamp's departure from USC if you have any doubts.
Yeah, those type of posts are available in the standard locations and based on the standard you and EHSMeanGreen have set and continually emphasis, your goals for this place was not to be another place for those posts; you wanted and still want this place to be a BETTER PLACE. A place not filled with cheap shot posts, but real football talk. There is room for some back and forth; getting on each other and that kind of stuff, but PFT was all trash and hardly any football talk. That is why many folks are not here, they don't want football talk, they want to talk trash. I think of it this way...

In my kitchen, I don't put trash on the stove; I put trash in the trash can and food on the stove. This site is not a trash can.
SF Band dad wrote:
Mon Nov 16, 2020 10:25 pm
A lot of those JF Byrnes posters at PFT turned out to be fair-weather fans. They made their exit soon after Bentley & Sons moved to Alabama and the decade of dominance in Duncan came to a close. Those that are still here, proudly proclaiming their allegiance are the true fans. You can trust us on this point, we are flying Easley and South Florence colors. I was still there at Carolina Forest in the 4th quarter when our starters finally scored a couple of TDs against their 2s and 3s. It was a long game, a longer drive home and an awfully long, short season. 2020, be gone with you!!
I was there through the 1-10 years and the 15-0 years. It's my team and always will be my team. I don't think all of those guys from the great years are gone because they were fair weather fans, things change outside of football as well. One has a son that takes a lot of his time now and I'm proud of him for changing. Some were just "in the moment" kind of like my first year on the USS HUE CITY. Only 5 folks claimed to be Atlanta Braves fans and then Sid Bream slid under the tag and the announcer was screaming WORST TO FIRST and the Braves fans were everywhere.

Just as Gaffney fans have good and bad, so do all other schools.... well, most of them... does Berkeley have anyone other than Slicker? Then I guess Berkeley only has good posters.

I swear for you and Band dad to be able to understand what i was trying to say and not be all smart ass with a reply and explain what yall are tryin to do here is freaking awesome. I didn't mean to sound like this place needs more trash talk cause i agree it doesn't. I just wish more of the decent posters like Darth Rebel, B1, Greer Girl or whatever her name was and then the lady from Aiken that yall had the big get together at her house and those people would wander over here and stay

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Re: How Many Times

Post by DeCav »

Penguin wrote:
Mon Nov 16, 2020 1:52 pm
racincowboy02 wrote:
Mon Nov 16, 2020 1:05 pm
I think the trash talk is dying out here because all of the Byrnes posters from PFT haven't transitioned to here yet or they have decided to give it a rest for a while i don't what has happened but it seems like most of the posters from PFT have disappeared which sucks but it is what it is and it is always sweet to send the rebels into basketball season
They have one of those "You have to be this tall to ride" thingies on the application here. LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
That's a jab at BYRNES#1 I guess.
Lord knows we have no IQ test. Explains why I'm here.
“Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: How Many Times

Post by DeCav »

Great post Reuben.

PFT was a moment in time. The red wine of my football days. It is said of the human condition that life presents a path through chaos and order symbolized by the Yin Yang symbol.

It is theorized that one color represents order and the other chaos. Modern theories surmise that the most rewarding path through is to follow along the twilight boundary between the two colors. Basically one foot in chaos and the other in order. Two much of either robs you of life's richest experiences.

Back in the day PFT really walked that line. There was zero moderation officially going on but it was spectacular how we managed to moderate ourselves with the stronger, more willful personalities who yet had big hearts kind of keeping the nonsense to a dull roar while the serious football talk mostly went under the radar. The fact that we all needed a little chaos can be demonstrated by the NO BASH NO TRASH section. Man, that placed was always closed.

I mix it up every day with 1st and Goal and B1 and Gatorfan and John64 but I cannot convince them to dive back in. Most of them did actually put football behind them for good I think. I noticed also the more politically fervent they were the more likely they were to be too distracted to come here and post.

But there are some great stories I would love to tell one day. I bet a lot of you know where the bodies are buried on PFT. A lot of wild stuff happened behind the scenes that not a lot of people were privy to. Like the PFT War Room, a separate message board for the "Avengers" of the board where they'd meet when there was a new threat to the balance like Vicki or 4 Sprites. When some ashat came barelling through the saloon doors we'd meet off site and exchange strategies, memes, photoshops, and scripts and then go back on the board and drop an ACME safe on people's heads sometimes. A coordinated attack can be devastating on social media.

Three things killed it...

The paper was bought out by a New York corporation who gave fkall about football.
As was said, there was no moderation but that never stopped us. It was the ads and the lack of attention to maintence.
Hate to say it but Victory6 REALLY stank it up there at the end.

I have a feeling by this time next year more people will come back around or some new ones will pop up.
I've taken the year off for football for personal reasons. Plus the whole COVID uncertainty was a headache I just didn't want to deal with.

Told myself I just wouldn't watch a football game for a season. And now the Cavaliers are headed to Rock Hill to play the Trojans for only the second time in recent memory and Trojangrad78 will be going so I'll be eating with him and probably sitting on the NW side with him and Sherry to watch the game.

So looks like I can't get through a season without watching some Dorman football.

I'm glad PFT is dead and gone. I always said PFT was like that ex girlfriend who'd call me in the middle of the night asking what I was doin at moment. But there's still some good memories and threads to mine from there and archive over here. The Running up the score thread was a great one. B1's apology was an epic day. Bobby Thompson's plaque award was cool and fulfilling. And of course that thread about the best trolls. Ramm and 6stars were the greatest trolls in my opinion. I know Flyguy drove Dave crazy also.

I still need to dig up that thread the night Mikey said I was too damn nice my first season. I'd still probably be singing Kumbaya to this day if it wasn't for him.

What were your favorite threads? I know I missed some great ones. Gimme some buzzwords and I'll see if I can retrieve them.

Biggest shame was Warpaint did not save ANY of his photoshops. They are dust in the wind now. That's true art I suppose.
“Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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