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Rep. Jackie Speier, a California Democrat and chair of the House Armed Services Military Personnel subcommittee, proposed the amendment on Wednesday, which would prohibit gender-segregated training at the Marine Corps recruit depots. Full story below....
{ mea culpa, I listed it as Senator Gillabrand, D, New York. She is the Senator pushing to punish any man who is "accused" of anything closely related to sexual harassment, with or without substantiation. It was actually Jackie Speier. However, IF you read the story, this is the person/group pushing for the COED Boot Camp. Anyone who knows basic civics knows that the President signs the bill into a law; however, it is Congress who is responsible for what is IN the law. By adding it to the Defense Authorization Act, the bill that keeps the military funded, they basically ensure that the president has to sign it.}
Are some innocent men going to be swept up in the nets? YES.
How many innocent women get harvested every year by sexual assaulters?
Too bad for the innocent. They should have watched their 6. It should be men who are worried for awhile instead of women. I can say categorically I would be better at avoiding accusations of impropriety than a woman would be at avoiding being a sexual assault victim.
“Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Are some innocent men going to be swept up in the nets? YES.
How many innocent women get harvested every year by sexual assaulters?
Too bad for the innocent. They should have watched their 6. It should be men who are worried for awhile instead of women. I can say categorically I would be better at avoiding accusations of impropriety than a woman would be at avoiding being a sexual assault victim.
OH, I agree that sexual harassment and sexual assault should be top of the list items to "fix" in the military and everywhere. But it should still be "innocent until proven guilty" for all. And, you can't watch your six when the odds are stacked and the accusations don't have to be proven or even substantiated... Right before I retired, I saw a Senior Chief who was selected for CWO get his selection revoked because a female E5 who was going to be sent back to sea after her "maternity transfer" time was up and could not get anyone to get her out of going back to sea for 9 months made a totally bogus claim that the Senior Chief said he would help her if she slept with him. She was at sea, got pregnant, they transferred her to shore duty for the allotted time and then when she had to return to complete her required time at sea, made the bogus claims.
Her bogus claims make it difficult for those women who were actually sexually harrassed or even assaulted because once the truth comes out {which it did in the case I mentioned, but only after he lost his chance to become a Chief Warrant Officer} it muddies the waters. The ones who really face those issues are afraid to come forward for many reasons, but the bogus charges make people not believe them. BTW, the false claims never resulted in charges against the E5 who was only trying to beat the system. She ruined a man's career and put a black mark on his reputation that will never go away; but nothing happened to her.
Why did you put fix in quotations Ken? Is it just a "problem"?
I'm not very compelled by your anecdote. My wife was molested at age 8 and I can show dozens of Facebook friends this thread and let them come sign up and share their stories.
At least 25% of women serving in the U.S. military have been sexually assaulted, and up to 80% have been sexually harassed. A 2011 report found that women in the U.S. military were more likely to be raped by fellow soldiers than they were to be killed in combat.
A substantial increase in reported sexual assaults occurred at the three U.S. military academies for the 2010–2011 school year. It is possible that the increase resulted only from an increased willingness to report incidents; increased reporting has been one of the goals of the Department of Defense.
At a November 2011 press conference introducing legislation to combat sexual assault in the armed forces Rep. Jackie Speier stated that of the 13% of military sexual assault victims who reported the crimes committed against them, 90% were involuntarily discharged.
13% of the victims are brave enough to report what happened. 90% of them get discharged. I wonder why so many are afraid to say something. Maybe because the men committing these crimes know that along with the good old boy culture that so many high school football fans use as an epithet, they will be retaliated against, held to bear the burden of proof, and probably punished for coming forward. Again, the men committing these crimes revel in the idea that women have an uphill battle to climb, will be shunned and shamed, and probably accused of making the whole thing up before they even have their day in court. Do you think these men do not know how to commit a crime like this and avoid prosecution?
Let's get the percentage down from 25% to 1% and then address the poor innocent men who have been unjustly accused. You're either for or against these women. More likely to be raped by the good guys than killed by the bad. If these victims survive this trauma, the criminals can be assured that there's a chance the victim might take their own life, and then he is off scot-free.
Oh, here is a news article that I just googled...April 30th, 2020, So it's not up to date.
Despite Efforts, Sexual Assaults Up Nearly 40% in US Military. I'm sure some of them survived combat only to die at there own hands...
An analysis of Veterans Health Administration data found that both women and men who experienced military sexual trauma (that is, sexual assault or repeated, threatening sexual harassment) during military service had an increased risk for suicide even after the analysis was adjusted for age and risk factors, including medical and mental health conditions and rural residence.
"Approximately 1 percent of male veterans and 21 percent of female veterans reported military sexual trauma. Suicide rates were significantly higher among men and women who screened positive for military sexual trauma. Veterans who reported military sexual trauma and subsequently died by suicide “were significantly more likely to be treated for mental health conditions” that were related to their experience of sexual trauma, as determined by their mental health care provider."
1/4 of women in the military are sexually assaulted. Let's get 1/4 of the men court martialed and work backwards from there. You don't support this? If it means .01% of men are wrongly accused then it's a travesty?
Kimerling, R., Makin-Byrd, K., Louzon, S., Ignacio, R. V., & McCarthy, J. F. (2015). Military sexual trauma and suicide mortality. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 50(6), 684–691.
“Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Again, my original point was spare these women a coed experience during boot camp and let them all have female drill sergeants. They'll not be prepared for active duty with men but at least in a good way.
“Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Have you looked at this site,
Looks like a totall hack site and not even good hack. I was surprised by the cheezy logo and the lightning storm background.
SCPrepTalk looks more respectable and that's AFTER you add in my own posts. Then I saw some of the ridiculously sensational headlines....
Then I saw this obviously photo-shopped picture of some guy named David Omura...
Commandant??? Really???
Will a supporter of this rag write in and suggest they might get more circulation if they took their job more seriously?
I'd be embarrassed to be associated with this level of photoshopping. Vic6 could generate better graphics, but that's beside the point. What reputable news source photoshops real program directors into Shultz's German uniform and then labels it as a picture of Commander David Omura. From what I can tell on the REAL website, he hasn't served in the military but is a doctor still studying for administration degrees....
Sorry man, but work this shoddy gives me zero reason to even read the articles much less quote them as a source. Which is a good thing for your argument. I did a search on the site for sexual assault....
Doesn't really support your argument that a lot of innocent guys are being sent up the river. There was a story which I believe is the one you wanted me to see where they charged that a dude was being railroaded on a sexual assault charge and then threw a strawman argument in comparing it to the same charges that were thrown at Biden. I wasn't at all surprised at the politicized article which ultimately has as much to do with Joe Biden as it had to do with any number of civilian sexual assault allegations.
And the site has a donate button.
Do you have a different site that argues for the defense of those charged with sexual assault?
“Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
The ones who really face those issues are afraid to come forward for many reasons, but the bogus charges make people not believe them.
Are you ready to stand by these words?
I believe if you read the literature, the reason women don't come forward is not because a few cry wolf.
Two words...
Joe Paterno.
Google "Why rape victims don't come forward" man!
If you haven't gone through this with a female then I don't fault you for not knowing what dissociation is. I had no idea either until my wife's 3rd suicide attempt.
The bogus charges are not what make people disbelief them. It's actually much more sinister than that.
Btw, that's what a legitimate news source looks like.
Don't mean to sound harsh. Trust me, you don't want a victim of sexual abuse to read your comments and respond. I can promise you that.
If you would like to edit your comments, I'll delete my own.
“Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Really, now you are going to put words as "my statements" that are nothing but a total misquote?
I didn't say this was THE REASON, I mearly stated that the false accusations hurt those who really hurt those who have legitimate claims of harassment. Once that person with the false accusations came forward, women who had real issues were afraid that they would be lumped in with her. I'm stating facts from my own life situations with this from multiple sources. I've helped MULTIPLE women and men who faced harassment and a couple with actual assaults.
Coming forward in any environment is beyond difficult, and ANY THING that makes it even more difficult gets me angry and Senator Gillibrand's just "hang anyone who is accused" is not the way to make it better. What we need to do is treat it just like we treat murder. Investigate and follow the evidence and treat all cases with respect to all involved. Don't jump to conclusions either way.... don't assume that she is telling a lie or that she is telling the truth. Don't dismiss her claim and protect her from the start; however, don't ruin a man's career based only on her words. Let the TRUTH come forward.
As for the site, sometimes SARCASM {a style you are extremely familiar with} is the best way to make a point when you are dealing with an institution like the military upper ranks and big brass.
Make it real, punish all of those found guilty through evidence and not just accusations. Make no mistake, I KNOW there are those still in positions of authority in the military and civilian world that would rather hide accusations and protect their friends than prosecute them, and that has to end and end now! We as a society have to change how women {and men} who face sexual harassment/assault are treated. We need to do all we can to prevent first, but if we can't prevent, then we must prosecute to the max, all that do.
I've faced it in my own family and my own way of handling it was not the way the training manuals teach you.... To keep things unprosecutable, let's just say that after our conversation, the fellow knew without a doubt how I felt about the subject of sexual harassment and how dirty I felt it was. And once the swelling when down, he could see things differently as well.
"OH, I agree that sexual harassment and sexual assault should be top of the list items to "fix" in the military and everywhere. But..."
You know what they say about the word "but".
Why omit what came afterward? Is "innocent until proven guilty" not a valid statement? Do we just jump to the other way and any man accused is obviously guilty?
Your stats are something I didn't have to read.... I lived them! I counseled victims all the time. Every one was a victim unless it became obvious that they were NOT victims. Could I help them all, no. Did I try, every single one of them.
Anything that makes their fight harder is something I hate.... "HATE"
Their journey is uphill from the start and it only gets worse as they move forward. The system is rigged because everyone who ever spent any time in the military knows, "Different spanks for different ranks". Officers seem to get away with things that low life enlisted folks get smashed for. Every time a senior officer quietly retires with full benefits unexpectedly, check the back story... an accusation of some sort was probably heard. He was accused of fraternization or worse, and instead of being prosecuted, he's allowed to retire because his buddies higher up protected him.
They do the same with harassment... they protect their buddies. She knows that so that is why 90% never come forward or if they do, they decide not to push it forward. So don't do anything to make it harder!