Possible Realignment

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Re: Possible Realignment

Post by DFOLDMAN »

Come people....we know the deal....1A or 10A....Silver Foxes are getting a ring!

I think 1A-5A is working fine, but then again Silver Foxes are the only ones ever to get a 5A ring. Tommy Knotts doesn't like to share!...haha.


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Re: Possible Realignment

Post by Rebel-Fan-74 »

bigdog2003 wrote:
Sun Feb 07, 2021 9:52 am
The schsl can't figure out a way to seed the playoffs 1-16, but want to do this? I remember a 9 win Newberry team having to travel to a 4 win Columbia team in the 2nd round of the playoffs one year because of how the playoffs are set up. It isn't that hard to seed the playoffs.
The reason was likely that the Columbia team was a Region Runner up and therefore was seeded higher than the third place Newberry team.

There are those who think Region finish is the be all and end all to everything and I've always been OPENLY NOT, in that group. I think a Region Championship or Runner Up should gain you admittance to the playoff; however, I like the idea of seeding Region Champions first, then everyone else after the Champions. Ensure the Region Champions play at home in Week One! The rest is based on your season.

Now when it comes to the actual "seeding" of the teams, that is when you get folks blood pressure rising to alert levels. You talk of a "point system" and all sorts of anger comes forth. But how else would you do the seeding? Should we vote? If there is a point system, make it dependent not just on size of the school, but the strength of the football team.... more points for beating a team with a winning record and not just BONUS points for beating a Big 16 team. Something like this.... ALL Region games count, give one or maybe two games in Non-Region that don't count.

Win ….. Loss …..
10.00 .. 7.00 ….. AAAAA with a winning record
9.00 ….. 6.00 ….. AAAAA with a non-winning record
8.00 ….. 5.00 ….. AAAA with a winning record
7.00 ….. 4.00 ….. AAAA with a non-winning record
6.00 ….. 3.00 ….. AAA with a winning record
5.00 ….. 2.00 ….. AAA with a non-winning record
4.00 ….. 1.00 ….. AA with a winning record
3.00 ….. 0.00 ….. AA with a non-winning record
2.00 ... -1.00 ….. A with a winning record
1.00 ... -2.00 ….. A with a non-winning record

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Re: Possible Realignment

Post by Onion Rings »

points were a proven system. Winning your region should be a secondary factor

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Re: Possible Realignment

Post by Rebel-Fan-74 »

Onion Rings wrote:
Tue Feb 16, 2021 1:09 pm
points were a proven system. Winning your region should be a secondary factor
Wow, you are going to be about as popular as me if you keep that up....

I'd give Region Champs guaranteed home game in week one, seed them first. The Region Runner up is in but is seeded just like everyone else that gets in, no guarantees.

The biggest factor in this possible realignment is how many Divisions and then how many Regions once that is determined.

If they go back to a 32 team Division at what is now 5A, how many Regions would they have and could they balance it out? I don't have the official numbers to break down the top 32, but from the list below, it would be very difficult to "minimize travel" with a 32 team 5A for many of the teams.

This is based on the top 32 from "unofficial" numbers for the SC Dept of Education for "Active enrollment" as posted on the website this does NOT include the added students from the Charter Schools and other tweaking that they do at the SCHSL:

T L Hanna

J L Mann

Wade Hampton
James F Byrnes
Boiling Springs


Rock Hill
Ft Mill


Carolina Forest

River Bluff
White Knoll

Spring Valley

Ashley Ridge
Cane Bay
Goose Creek
West Ashley
Fort Dorchester

One team that would be dramatically impacted would be Carolina Forest. What other Top 32 team is even close to Myrtle Beach?
Wando 90 Miles
Berkeley & Sumter 92 Miles
Goose Creek 102 Miles
Stratford 107 Miles
Ashley Ridge & Summerville 112 Miles
West Ashley 115 Miles
Fort Dorchester 117 Miles
Columbia area schools would be at least 125 Miles

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I'm thinking about entering the transfer portal!
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Re: Possible Realignment

Post by Onion Rings »

well when we had the old points system and cross bracketing, most times the 2 best teams came from region 2 4A. Those match ups would have happened in the upper state game in the current format

Not to knock Greenville County because they have improved a little, but those region champs from over there couldn't compete with mid-level teams from other regions some years

points system encourage you to play the biggest and the baddest

it's pretty clear that it is not coming back though, so, at least we had it for a while

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Re: Possible Realignment

Post by DFOLDMAN »

1A-5A has to be given a chance to work. This season was unique...as will next season. Need to let the dust settle from the pandemic. Honestly, sounds like the bigger football schools want to find a way to shuffle the Silver Foxes off on smaller schools... Those largest 32 schools need to be like Rick Flair...to be the man you gotta beat the man....WHOOOOAAA!

Fear The Fox

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Re: Possible Realignment

Post by SF Band dad »

It is really tough to carve out reasonably sized regions unless you include about 40 schools. Carolina Forest is the primary problem but the Rock Hill schools present a challenge too.

My opinion: Form three classes, each with two divisions of 16 teams in the playoffs. Seed them based on points, region winners, runner-ups, then everyone else. Maybe the first two rounds could be separated upper/lower state to reduce the number of long trips.

Here are the largest 48 schools grouped by location. (Using the SCHSL ADM numbers)

26 1459.2 T L Hanna
43 1281.1 Westside

9 1772.3 Mauldin
10 1741.8 Hillcrest
22 1538.3 J. L. Mann
30 1402.1 Wade Hampton (G)
31 1396.7 Woodmont
33 1382.5 Riverside
42 1283.0 Easley
48 1235.7 Greenville

2 2650.9 Dorman
5 1942.6 Byrnes
6 1854.8 Boiling Springs
18 1568.1 Spartanburg
27 1434.1 Gaffney

Rock Hill
8 1813.9 Clover
24 1501.6 Fort Mill
25 1475.0 Rock Hill
35 1368.9 Northwestern
38 1318.1 Nation Ford

Columbia / Midlands
7 1839.0 Sumter
14 1658.9 Spring Valley
15 1655.5 Dutch Fork
16 1638.9 Lexington
17 1628.7 River Bluff
21 1539.7 White Knoll
28 1424.2 Chapin
29 1418.0 Blythewood
40 1292.5 Ridge View
44 1274.4 Lugoff-Elgin

Myrtle Beach / Florence
4 2208.0 Carolina Forest
34 1379.8 St. James
36 1365.9 Conway
39 1303.2 Socastee
41 1290.4 West Florence
45 1267.0 South Florence
46 1251.7 North Myrtle Beach

1 3093.0 Wando
3 2483.5 Summerville
11 1719.2 Ashley Ridge
12 1701.9 Fort Dorchester
13 1694.2 Stratford
19 1557.3 West Ashley
20 1546.1 Cane Bay
23 1522.0 Goose Creek
32 1386.7 Stall
37 1362.9 Berkeley
47 1236.4 James Island Charter

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Re: Possible Realignment


cheeko, put sadfort back with us, wish we could send them to columbia.

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Re: Possible Realignment

Post by SF Band dad »

Sat Feb 27, 2021 7:18 pm
cheeko, put sadfort back with us, wish we could send them to columbia.
Thanks. List has been fixed.

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Re: Possible Realignment

Post by mrfootballtalk »

So here's what this really is ... It's another attempt by Ozzie Ahl at RockHill to try and maneuver his school and numbers so he can get Rock Hill Athletics in a better situation. When you strip it down it in almost every instance helps Rock Hill and Hurts the school that they compete against. Ozzie has made a lot of stupid proposals and wasted a lot of people's time but this might be his biggest debacle.

So if you good you get screwed and if you suck or don't really care about that sport as a school you get rewarded. So if you are a perennial 6-4 / 7-3 football program and you happen to have a large group of Solid Seniors and you put a great season together and go 3 deep in the playoffs .. then sorry the next two seasons you got 3-7 in a larger class and then struggle to get back any momentum. This can apply to any sport also.

Not to mention the travel / logistical nightmare this creates. Rivalries will be dismantled, Schools driving 2 hours in some cases to get to region games ... dig a little deeper into this and this is all about Rock Hill and his desire to manipulate the system. The only schools that would be dumb enough to vote for this would be if you just suck at every sports you have.

This is just weak, self serving and embarrassing attempt by Ozzie Ahl to Help Rock Hill with yet another proposal what waste time.

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