Big 16 has nothing to do with "big time program" it's based on the school enrollment. Wando was for a long time the largest school in the state and was never a big time program, unless we are talking about Marching Band.
Two comments on this:
(1) SCHSL is an equal opportunity organization, they screw everybody.
(2) Realignments are not just about football.... it also includes sports that could never exist using that kind of realignment. Now if you want to handle football totally different than all other sports, having two realignments, a lot of folks would like that idea.
Personally, I like the way they did it where you had one classification with two brackets come playoff time.
Maybe you could have one bracket that is not set up by school size, sort of an OPEN BRACKET for big time programs only. I'll leave it to you to work that one out, I'm not smart enough to work out all those issues..... Who is a BIG TIME program and where do they play during the regular season, etc.