WRHI Football City USA KickOff

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Re: NW is going to be good; no doubt!

Post by AngryMax »

5thqtr wrote:
Sat Aug 13, 2022 12:06 am
6. RHH - I don't know what to say anymore. Wish something changed over at RHH so they were consistent contenders annually again!
I’ve been told by those in the know that a major part of the problem is the district’s loose transfer policy. They got tough with it a few years ago, but it’s back to basically free choice for kids with relatives and non-custodial parents on the other side of town. Ring chasing instead of being part of helping bring RHHS back.

Sure, they’ve made it harder for kids to transfer once they get to HS, but it’s the middle school free agency that’s happening.

When the best athletes at Castle Heights MS end up at NW and SP year after year it’s not hard to figure out what’s happening.

And this isn’t necessarily coaches recruiting, it’s parents, uncles, big brothers thinking they need to get their kid at those other schools to “get them seen”.

Ask the Oots kid at Alabama or Nari Gaither, Big South preseason player of the year, if being at RHHS hindered them “getting seen”.

Rock Hill Bearcats
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Re: WRHI Football City USA KickOff

Post by Maniac »

It is not the players at Rock Hill’s problem to bring the school back to their long gone glory days. The transfer thing is a real deal. I didn’t let my kid kid go to South Pointe while living in their zone and sent them to Northwestern instead. It is time for another era at Rock Hill. Joe Montgomery fared better than Bubba. It is time to bring a new coaching staff in and see what they can do.

South Pointe Stallions
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Re: NW is going to be good; no doubt!

Post by 5thqtr »

AngryMax wrote:
Sat Aug 13, 2022 6:50 pm
5thqtr wrote:
Sat Aug 13, 2022 12:06 am
6. RHH - I don't know what to say anymore. Wish something changed over at RHH so they were consistent contenders annually again!
I’ve been told by those in the know that a major part of the problem is the district’s loose transfer policy. They got tough with it a few years ago, but it’s back to basically free choice for kids with relatives and non-custodial parents on the other side of town. Ring chasing instead of being part of helping bring RHHS back.

Sure, they’ve made it harder for kids to transfer once they get to HS, but it’s the middle school free agency that’s happening.

When the best athletes at Castle Heights MS end up at NW and SP year after year it’s not hard to figure out what’s happening.

And this isn’t necessarily coaches recruiting, it’s parents, uncles, big brothers thinking they need to get their kid at those other schools to “get them seen”.

Ask the Oots kid at Alabama or Nari Gaither, Big South preseason player of the year, if being at RHHS hindered them “getting seen”.
I don't disagree with you at all. At the same time; as it stands now wold I want my son to play at RHH? I would have to say no. Because football is much more than whether or not you "get seen" or not. Some of the intangible other stuff seems to be missing. RHH is the largest school in Rock Hill and I saw plenty of size(when I visited the school walking around). Kids not coming out; because people want to be a part of something special. It's going to take i.m.o one of those good coaches who use to coach at the 1A or 2A level; that is use to maybe having to go get kids to come out. I've seen it/lived it 1st hand. Somebody who can make the kids believe they can be contenders despite all the so-called good ball players going to NW or SP. I remember DF not being very good at all in football(being kind). They certainly were not the beast of a program they are now under Knotts. The right coach/ with the right mentality/energy/drive would get RHH back to at least being a team that will scare you! Challenge you on a consistent basis. Nari and Oots had support outside of the program too BTW. I Don't KNow who; but I believe they are out there. RHH has had some other really good players come through as well - if the program was at least "somewhat" formidable I don't think parents try and transfer kids out. RH SD3 question for ya'll. If one of the schools had a outstanding science teacher that excelled and a kid was at another school - "would the parents have to go through the same drama if they had a gifted kid that had a high level interest in science"?
I doubt it seriously! People want to put themselves in the best position possible. It doesn't guarantee anything by going to NW or SP - in fact some have tried and only sat the bench where they could have likely started at RHH. But, they had the opportunity.

Maybe one day.
The right thing with having SP vs. NW as the last game is much more than the "change in classification" in my opinion. It's how it should have been for a while now. The different classifications just made it easier. RHH vs. NW hasn't been the same in years and years! I really miss that time of year here in Rock Hill!
Choose to Lead or you should choose to "get out the way" of those who will lead!

South Pointe Stallions
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Ringer Ball

Post by 5thqtr »

Maniac wrote:
Sat Aug 13, 2022 10:34 pm
It is not the players at Rock Hill’s problem to bring the school back to their long gone glory days. The transfer thing is a real deal. I didn’t let my kid kid go to South Pointe while living in their zone and sent them to Northwestern instead. It is time for another era at Rock Hill. Joe Montgomery fared better than Bubba. It is time to bring a new coaching staff in and see what they can do.
This current era and the last few years of Montgomery really made me miss Ringer-Ball!

Yay Stewart to name one is among the many who have come through since SP opened. 2008 I thought RHH was as good as anyone; but lost to Sumter in the Semi-final. The following year they went the entire season undefeated only to lose in the 1st round of the playoffs to Spartanburg. The Bearcats haven't been the same since.

Some 1A coach Maniac who is use to having to "do it all" will be needed to get kids interested in playing. Going to homes of some of them 6'3 and up kids and asking them about getting their kid on the team. And, maybe that's happening now! But, it's not very effective is it if so. There are too many examples of schools that were bad; then a coaching change happened and with the "same student body makeup" they get turned into contenders if not champions.
I am not one who buys that it's just lack of talent given some of the kids RHH has had in just the last 5 - 10 years.
Choose to Lead or you should choose to "get out the way" of those who will lead!

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