The home field advantage farce of the schl

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Re: The home field advantage farce of the schl

Post by GoBigGreen »

More blah, blah, blah I see....ready for your response :lol:...that I will not read either. I just like writing "blah, blah, blah" just to determine how much I can make you write. But on a side note, I am glad that we are playing undefeated DF at home this Friday. We have lost to them the last 3 years at their place. Maybe we will get a different result at home....

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Re: The home field advantage farce of the schl

Post by Fortfor5 »

Penguin wrote:
Fortfor5 wrote:
Penguin wrote:
GoBigGreen wrote:How does it go....oh yeah Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You will never understand and that is ok.
The ramblings of someone in a debate without any facts to back up his point of view. You show me some proof and we can talk about it. Until then, I accept your admission of having no argument.

And dook for brains has never had an argument, just complaints like an unsatisfied wife.
You were shown a example from last season.#1 team in state goes to dutch fork example 2.Dutch fork going to the ville. Predetermined seeding travel is not conducive to the reality of a teams strength.out of conference games should mean something. Travel earn your stripes .or dont and suffer the consequences. This isnt rec ball everyone doesn't get a medal.
Walk the walk .or settle for being a bridesmaid.
The predetermined bracket if the most fair way to decide which #1 seeds play at home and which ones travel. Perhaps you do not understand that these predetermined brackets rotate on a 4 year cycle, assuring every Region of having home field through the semi-finals. Perhaps you just don't understand anything. Devise a better way of doing it. Jerome will gladly take a look at it. Remember this, what you think is fair, may not pass muster as being fair to ALL schools, not just one particular one. 3 decades of use have proven that predetermined bracketing works, is fair to all, and never relies on coin flips, points scored, or points allowed, to determine seeding. But of course, you aren't searching for fair, you are just whining and complaining because Jerome licked all the sugar off of your candy. You are only concerned about what YOU believe to be unfair, and in typical fashion, you whine and complain about something without offering any workable solutions. My daddy always told me never to expect any more from a pig than a grunt.
Life isnt fair so be it.if you arent willing to play the best you do not deserve to run with the bluffton a few years back.undeafeated home field advantage. Cupcake city gets cupcake results.your out of conference should be considered in seeding.also determining home field advantage .no logical person thinks that Dutch fork traveling durring playoffs is a rational outcome from thier body of work. Strength of schedule works in college sports.see UCF undeafeated no championship playoff they play soft teams .it will and can work at the highschool for seeing it my own way pot meet kettle.
If it's a tie in strength draw straws flip a coin .that is surely better than predetermined brackets .realistically only 6 teams if that most years in 5 aaaaa have a legitimate shot .everyone else is cannon fodder.let those that have earned it and deserve it reap their just reward home field advantage.
With the thought process of everyone has been doing it for years decades so we should keep it that way is unamerican. Well England ruled us think they still should? I mean they did it for a long about slavery. How about international trade and containerzation of cargo.
While were at it let's just go back to horse and buggy.
Give me 3 reasons that justify why a higher better ranked team should not benefit from thier ranking.other than everyone else did it this way.a justification if you cant period...

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Re: The home field advantage farce of the schl

Post by Penguin »

Back to the basics here. What is the purpose of the SCHSL playoffs? Answer: To determine the best team in each classification. Next question. How do we accomplish this? Answer: Devise a playoff format giving each and every team an equal and fair chance to win. For simplicity, we will say that there are 8 Regions in each classification. Next question. How do we devise this format given the number of teams in each Region? Answer: We use Region standings to determine seeding. Simple enough so far? Next question. How do we seed 8 Region champions fairly and equitably? Answer: We use a typical 16 team playoff bracket for each of upper and lower state teams. 4 each of #1, #2, #3, and #4 seeds. The first 2 rounds of play cannot be argued with unless there is a complete moron doing the arguing. By the 3rd round, we are down to the possibility of matching up equal seeds. Next question. How do we deal with equal seeds playing each other in that 3rd round? My answer: You have a rotating, predetermined bracket to make those decisions fair on a recurring basis. Your answer: Hold a beauty contest. You are the only judge apparently, because you have failed to present a fair way to judge that beauty. Do you put more emphasis on breast size? How about leg length? I know, booty size? Nah, has to be the face. Oooops, that won't work either because you just throw a bag over their face anyway. I know that you cannot possibly understand the point that I am trying to make, so let me just blow your entire argument out of the water with this ONE single thought. BEAUTY is in the eye of the beholder. Polls, ratings, rankings, they mean nothing when it comes to seeding playoff teams. The idea of a playoff system is to determine which team is best AFTER the playoffs. You seem to think that YOU can do it before the games are played. fitting.
The "Godfather" didn't whine like The "Slobfather" is doing, when he got INDICTED!!!!!

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Re: The home field advantage farce of the schl

Post by Fortfor5 »

Penguin wrote:Back to the basics here. What is the purpose of the SCHSL playoffs? Answer: To determine the best team in each classification. Next question. How do we accomplish this? Answer: Devise a playoff format giving each and every team an equal and fair chance to win. For simplicity, we will say that there are 8 Regions in each classification. Next question. How do we devise this format given the number of teams in each Region? Answer: We use Region standings to determine seeding. Simple enough so far? Next question. How do we seed 8 Region champions fairly and equitably? Answer: We use a typical 16 team playoff bracket for each of upper and lower state teams. 4 each of #1, #2, #3, and #4 seeds. The first 2 rounds of play cannot be argued with unless there is a complete moron doing the arguing. By the 3rd round, we are down to the possibility of matching up equal seeds. Next question. How do we deal with equal seeds playing each other in that 3rd round? My answer: You have a rotating, predetermined bracket to make those decisions fair on a recurring basis. Your answer: Hold a beauty contest. You are the only judge apparently, because you have failed to present a fair way to judge that beauty. Do you put more emphasis on breast size? How about leg length? I know, booty size? Nah, has to be the face. Oooops, that won't work either because you just throw a bag over their face anyway. I know that you cannot possibly understand the point that I am trying to make, so let me just blow your entire argument out of the water with this ONE single thought. BEAUTY is in the eye of the beholder. Polls, ratings, rankings, they mean nothing when it comes to seeding playoff teams. The idea of a playoff system is to determine which team is best AFTER the playoffs. You seem to think that YOU can do it before the games are played. fitting.
Everything but a answer that makes sense.easily obtained if you play the legless nuns of grover you dont get as much recognition as if you play dorman or west florence.while not perfect you can have a educated guess as to whom is most likely a better team.lets say Berkley vs summerville regardless of previous predetermined schedule.match them up .1 loss vs 2 loss 1 loss wins hfa.if they both were one loss not head to head.
Ville gets the nod for cedar grove.they scheduled a tougher schedule. It's not hard to figure out.two 5 and 5 teams play.look at who they played .or points scored or points given up durring regular season. If still tied coin toss .that's a heck of a lot better than pre determination. With predetermined outcome you have no chance.
By the end of regular season you have a good idea of who's better than who .probably would get it right the majority of the time.its like academic fraud just because it's been done for 18 years doesn't mean right.theres a better way for it to be done.hell the point system was a two point team or play a 4 point team you choose.choose your fate.

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Re: The home field advantage farce of the schl

Post by Penguin »

Just look at all of the information used in the CFP system and once more, YOUR idea is blown up as unworkable. Unless you can find a completely impartial group of people with extensive knowledge of the game of football, devoid of any ties to any school, who can watch each and every team play each and every game, then you cannot possibly offer up a reasonable resolution to the question of selecting the best teams of equal Region seeding. Hell, the CFP committee can't even pick the top 4 teams without their being whiny arguments like you are making. But we ultimately always fall back to the first and most important aspect of the playoff: How to determine the best team. You are trying to determine that team BEFORE the playoff.
The "Godfather" didn't whine like The "Slobfather" is doing, when he got INDICTED!!!!!

Fort Dorchester Patriots
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Re: The home field advantage farce of the schl

Post by Fortfor5 »

Penguin wrote:Just look at all of the information used in the CFP system and once more, YOUR idea is blown up as unworkable. Unless you can find a completely impartial group of people with extensive knowledge of the game of football, devoid of any ties to any school, who can watch each and every team play each and every game, then you cannot possibly offer up a reasonable resolution to the question of selecting the best teams of equal Region seeding. Hell, the CFP committee can't even pick the top 4 teams without their being whiny arguments like you are making. But we ultimately always fall back to the first and most important aspect of the playoff: How to determine the best team. You are trying to determine that team BEFORE the playoff.
Your arguing the wrong thing. No ones arguing who the state champion is.just who's body of work is better for home field advantage. You cant argue who will win state because the best team that game wins not necessarily the best can reasonably determine that one team may be better than others due to thier strength of schedule. They should be rewarded just like bluffton did you lose home field advantage for playing cup cakes.kenpom does it over the season in basketball so does rpi.i am in no way trying to determine the best team.just the best teams.the kids deserve hime field advantage if they earned it.we all reasonably knew in the playoffs that several teams were better than others by what they had accomplished. Very simple you get it close as you can. Pre determination does that less than examination of body of work for that particular year.

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