Also no officer or enlisted people should be wrongly accused or convicted of an offense that they don’t commit.
It is worth considering at this point though what the lesser of two evils is. People are adept it seems at making such a decision these days especially.
We will probably disagree on the numbers or the scale perhaps. How many innocent people being wrongly accused is too many to justify a reduction in the number of genuine cases for rape?
I dunno. I haven’t fully availed myself of the research. As such, yes I am quite sarcastic. You have Mikey to blame for that.

But I maintain that I do not consider myself a resource for facts. If I did I would be much more serious and would not post false photos with snarky headlines.
I believe the problem presents opportunities for clever solutions. But I will say this, there is going to be collateral damage going both ways. There is a non-zero number of truly innocent soldiers that will take one for the team against their sense of justice. Just as there is a non-zero number of soldiers male and female that will slip through the cracks. It’s a shame it isn’t a perfect world.
Peace and Love!