Possible Realignment

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Onion Rings
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Re: Possible Realignment

Post by Onion Rings »

not sure this will help over there from what I've seen

Byrnes Rebels
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Re: Possible Realignment

Post by Rebel-Fan-74 »

mrfootballtalk wrote:
Mon Mar 01, 2021 1:34 pm
So here's what this really is ... It's another attempt by Ozzie Ahl at RockHill to try and maneuver his school and numbers so he can get Rock Hill Athletics in a better situation. When you strip it down it in almost every instance helps Rock Hill and Hurts the school that they compete against. Ozzie has made a lot of stupid proposals and wasted a lot of people's time but this might be his biggest debacle.
I think you need to elaborate on how this helps only Rock Hill but hurts every other school on their schedule.... I must be missing something, because I don't see how it singles out any ONE school at all.

mrfootballtalk wrote:
Mon Mar 01, 2021 1:34 pm
So if you good you get screwed and if you suck or don't really care about that sport as a school you get rewarded. So if you are a perennial 6-4 / 7-3 football program and you happen to have a large group of Solid Seniors and you put a great season together and go 3 deep in the playoffs .. then sorry the next two seasons you got 3-7 in a larger class and then struggle to get back any momentum. This can apply to any sport also.
I can follow your reasoning here, keep winning at say AAA and you could be moved to AAAA just because you had a good Senior Class and for their good run, the next few years you face tougher competition. It is harder to maintain than it is to just have a good run!
mrfootballtalk wrote:
Mon Mar 01, 2021 1:34 pm
Not to mention the travel / logistical nightmare this creates. Rivalries will be dismantled, Schools driving 2 hours in some cases to get to region games ... dig a little deeper into this and this is all about Rock Hill and his desire to manipulate the system. The only schools that would be dumb enough to vote for this would be if you just suck at every sports you have.

This is just weak, self serving and embarrassing attempt by Ozzie Ahl to Help Rock Hill with yet another proposal what waste time.
Evidently, you don't like Ozzie Ahl, and I'm guessing that is the AD at Rock Hill? Any realignment leaves us with difficulties in balanced regions, and by balanced, I mean in size, driving distance, number of good teams, and a host of other issues. This system will be just like all the other options when it comes to having issues. Why not just have all the schools within the same area play each other so we minimize the distance issue.... oh, then Landrum will be playing Boiling Springs, size issue. OK, then only the biggest schools play each other... so who does Carolina Forest play? There is not a top 32 size school closer than 90 miles! There are as many "BEST WAYS" to do realignment as there are "BEST PLACE TO EAT". Lot of ideas, but none without issues.

To be perfectly honest, I'm not real sure why your comments have not been removed from the forum as they appear to be nothing short of a personal attack to me. That is one thing that the ADMIN usually stops pretty quickly. Maybe he's given you a break since it is your first post, at least with this screen name {yeah, he can check on that as well}.

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Onion Rings
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Re: Possible Realignment

Post by Onion Rings »

guess he was one and done Rebel

Byrnes Rebels
Posts: 3436
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Location: LA LA LAND

Re: Possible Realignment

Post by Rebel-Fan-74 »

More like he was done before the one....

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I'm thinking about entering the transfer portal!
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