StateChampsGHS wrote: ↑Sun Sep 19, 2021 8:39 pm
Damefan wrote: ↑Sun Sep 19, 2021 5:02 pm
GwoodEagle2k1 wrote: ↑Sat Sep 18, 2021 1:38 am
Damefan wrote: ↑Fri Sep 17, 2021 11:10 pm
So having now played "The Best of the Best" what lessons were learned about where your team is?
Was really proud of the effort and how hard Greenwood played. We still were able to run the ball on them. QB and FB both went over 100 yards. If we can run it on them, we can run it on anybody. Couldn't throw it and couldn't stop the DF offense at all. They were just better. As far as where our team is, to be considered with teams like that, you have to keep playing them. Get stronger, get better. It's a process. Liner is rebuilding the Greenwood program from the previous 5 or 6 years when the winning attitude and confidence was lost in the program because the former head coach didn't put the kids in the best situation to be successful on the football field. You just gotta take your lumps. You don't start at the top. DF didn't start at the top when Knotts got there. Took some years. Same with Liner. Greenwood will get there. By the way I want you know that your comments are welcome when we win a game, not just when we lose.

We started the season 4-0 and don't remember you commenting on anything other than this 1st Greenwood loss.
I give pats on the back when you do something beyond expectation and not when you beat teams that are less than your ability. I would expect nothing less out of Greenwood in AAAA. If you read my later posted comments I expect you to compete for the upper state championship and if you win the upper state you just might win State. Best wishes until the playoffs because other than possibly Greenville you should have no competition until the playoffs.
Catawba Ridge is a good 4A football team. Hillcrest is a 5A team which you said we can't compete in 5A. Dutch Fork folks feel that Greenwood can compete in 5A just not good enough to beat them. What do you expect from a team that is ranked 15th nationally.
We have a different perception of what is good when Catawba is 3-2 currently and as I posted earlier Hillcrest hasn't done anything since 2015.
Teams like Dutch Fork need someone with balls willing to play them and you are just willing to accept a butt whipping. When you become as good as they are no one wants to play you and you have to go outside of the state often to get games. You don't have the depth to go against them 10 times out of 10. Abbeville would have a better chance of beating you than you beating Dutch Fork.
I'll give you two great quotes: “When you play against good people, that’s when you focus your concentration. Your sense of urgency to be disciplined in your execution all become more critical. Sometimes you get away with doing things not quite right against lesser competition, but when you play against real good people that’s when it shows up.”
“What happened yesterday is history. What happens tomorrow is a mystery. What we do today makes a difference – the precious present moment.”
Now go try and win an AAAA State Championship and stop bothering me until you do something significant!