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Swamp Talk Getting Better!

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:20 am
by DeCav
Man, the Sat and Tuesday shows this week were two of the best swamp talk shows I've heard. SF Band was about one the most articulate callers I've heard yet and Bruindad gave a great call too. Goop was on like Donkey Kong Tuesday! He really does a good job with the calls.

We need to get trojangrad78 to call in next week. That dude can talk some football!

Re: Swamp Talk Getting Better!

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:59 am
by trojangrad78
DeCav wrote:Man, the Sat and Tuesday shows this week were two of the best swamp talk shows I've heard. SF Band was about one the most articulate callers I've heard yet and Bruindad gave a great call too. Goop was on like Donkey Kong Tuesday! He really does a good job with the calls.

We need to get trojangrad78 to call in next week. That dude can talk some football!
If you can't dazzle with brilliance, baffle with bull!! :lol:

Re: Swamp Talk Getting Better!

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:06 pm
by DeCav
Talk about someone who can talk....two weeks ago when I was driving home from Bluffton with Chuck and Dj, Chuck was in the passenger seat talking 100 miles an hour non-stop for like an hour straight. With the road lines coming at me in the front window and him beside me droning in my ear I was totally zonked!

It was literally like this except the person asleep was me (and driving)....