M. Night Shamalamadingdong needs to make ....
Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2024 9:51 pm
A movie called The 3rd Quarter...
About being trapped in the worst 3rd Quarter ever, where ppl are forced to watch in a continuous loop.
Spartanburg ran 4 plays, Boiling Springs had a roughly ten min 37 yard drive... Or something. Idk what's happening.
Referees and Spectators alike are in a fog.
Lincoln Huskey will make some college proud.
27-7 Spartanburg 10 min left in 4th... BS is the slowest team I've seen in forever. It's not even the beautiful triple option... It's like, a horror movie, lol .. Spartanburg still has only 4 plays in second half and we are under 9 min left
About being trapped in the worst 3rd Quarter ever, where ppl are forced to watch in a continuous loop.
Spartanburg ran 4 plays, Boiling Springs had a roughly ten min 37 yard drive... Or something. Idk what's happening.
Referees and Spectators alike are in a fog.
Lincoln Huskey will make some college proud.
27-7 Spartanburg 10 min left in 4th... BS is the slowest team I've seen in forever. It's not even the beautiful triple option... It's like, a horror movie, lol .. Spartanburg still has only 4 plays in second half and we are under 9 min left