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SCPrepTalk SCHSL 2A Football Playoff Projection after Week 9

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2024 11:49 am
by SCPrepTalk
SCPrepTalk SCHSL 2A Football Playoff Projection after Week 9
Image LINK for Phones: :arrow: ... racket.jpg

*These Brackets are based on outcomes using online power ratings.

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Re: SCPrepTalk SCHSL 2A Football Playoff Projection after Week 9

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2024 12:03 pm
by EHSMeanGreen
Notes about this projection....
Based on the Online rating outcomes
the only ties for position were in 2A-1, 2A-4, and 2A-7.

Chesnee and Landrum have a game this week that could determine 2nd place.
A Chesnee victory would put them in a strong position to take 2nd place.

However, the power ratings predict a Landrum win that could force a 3-way tie with Chesnee, Liberty, and Landrum.
Usual tiebreakers would currently favor Chesnee but would depend on the outcome of the their remaining games.

This projection predicts a 3-way tie for 4th place between Chesterfield, North Central, and Buford.
"Typical" region tiebreakers would currently favor Chesterfield(3rd in Region).
Leaving Buford(4th in Region) with the head-to-head advantage over North Central(5th in Region).

Ties for position would be settled by head-to-head.
East Clarendon(2nd in Region) beat Kingstree(3rd in Region),
and Lake City(4th in Region) beat Mullins(5th in Region).

*If you know the actual tiebreakers for these regions, please POST or send an email to