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Living in Irmo for at least a year
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:38 am
by IndianFan09
Gotta do some student teaching.
So which games should go see. I will be commuting back to Gaffney a couple times(games undecided) and I plan to check out Brookland-Cayce's new stadium. So what games should I see in the Columbia/Irmo area?
Re: Living in Irmo for at least a year
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:57 pm
by SF Band dad
In your shoes, I wouldn't pass up many opportunities to see Dutch Fork this year. Watching Matt Coburn run through people should be worth the price of admission.
Re: Living in Irmo for at least a year
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:55 pm
by Rebel-Fan-74
Irmo -vs- Lexington is almost like Byrnes-Gaffney or Dorman-Spartanburg when it comes to "the love"
Irmo -vs- Dutch Fork, for reasons stated above
Irmo -vs- North Augusta (at this time) could go a long way in determining Seedings in both brackets.
Irmo -vs- Spring Valley Don't know what Spring Valley lost from last season, but they did have a great year
Irmo -vs- Northwestern, you know all about Northwestern so you know what you get there...
Re: Living in Irmo for at least a year
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:02 pm
by Rebel-Fan-74
You could also be a free agent and visit the best games in the area each week... something that I've always thought was a great idea. I've actually done it the past few years {one game a year}. I've been to Beaufort, Boiling Springs, Gaffney, and a couple of others and I sat on the home side with someone from the home team.
Irmo one week, Dutch Fork another, and I would surely want to see River Bluff's new stadium { I hear it is amazing }
Spring Valley stadium is a good place to see a game.
Re: Living in Irmo for at least a year
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:24 am
by IndianFan09
Yeah I'm definitely taking on a bit of a free agent role this year because driving 2 hours every weekend just isn't going to happen.
Seems like there are a lot of good options. I'm going to have to reconcile these with the USC schedule and the band schedule(GHS BOG) and see what dates work win.
Right now the toughest weekend to make work is the weekend of the Gaffney v. Spartanburg game and the USC v. Georgia game. Might be doing some driving to make that work.
I plan to see at least one Dutch Fork game. I've gotta see Matt Coburn in person.