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LIVE Wk 13 Scoreboards - All classes - Download the App

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 2:33 pm
by SF Band dad
The App is available at the iPhone store and Google play. Get more info and download the App here:

Statewide Scoreboard

Statewide Scoreboard - Compact
More phone friendly.

4A Scoreboard
Byrnes, Dorman, Dutch Fork, Ft Dorchester, Greenwood, Hillcrest, Lexington, North Augusta, Northwestern, River Bluff, South Florence, Spartanburg, Stratford, Summeville, Westwood, York

4A Scoreboard - Compact
More phone friendly.

3A Scoreboard
AC Flora, Belton-Honea Path, Berkeley, Emerald, Hartsville, Marlboro County, Myrtle Beach, South Pointe

2A Scoreboard
Dillon, Fairfield-Central, Keenan, Loris, Newberry, Ninety Six, Timberland, Woodland

1A Scoreboard
Allendale-Fairfax, Bamberg-Ehrhardt, Christ Church, Estill, Hunter-Kinard-Tyler, Lake View, Lamar, McBee

Download the App and sign-up to score the game you are attending.

Several of us have been using the ScoreStream App for a few weeks. It is reasonably easy to score a game and to follow other games that are being scored. It's not perfect but we decided to make everyone here aware of it and encourage people to give it a try. There are some interesting features; you can chat with others right on the App, and you can create Groups from your phone's contact list and send text updates directly from the App. Apparently you can send updates directly to Facebook and Twitter, but I haven't played with those functions, others here may jump-in and describe those features.

The phone App's "Featured Games" are simply based on your location, and doesn't include all the games we're really interested in. To bridge that gap we have created a number of custom scoreboards linked to the ScoreStream website, links to those scoreboards are above.

You can view these Scoreboards on any device that connects to the internet. The games won't show up until someone signs up to score it live, or until the end of the night when ScoreStream loads all the final scores. Once the games start the Scoreboard you're viewing will update every 60 seconds. It is difficult to scroll through a long scoreboard on some phones so I've created "compact" versions on any with more than 4 games.

Re: LIVE Wk 13 Scoreboards - All classes - Download the App

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:10 pm
by SF Band dad
People have signed up to score 4 games out of 20. :|

Re: LIVE Wk 13 Scoreboards - All classes - Download the App

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 9:32 pm
by SF Band dad
19 of 20 games are now showing up. Only Estill vs Lake View is missing.