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A personal note to all my SCPrepTalk buddies....

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 11:46 pm
by trojangrad78
The MrsTG78 and I would like to wish everyone all the best for you, your families, and your teams during this upcoming season. For many reasons, I have dramatically cut back on the time I spend online, so, I don't expect to do much posting this year. We will be planning on some road trips to see those we can cross paths with, so we hope to see as many of y'all in person as possible.

I will jump on here periodically to catch up, so everyone post good stuff to make it worth my time :D

So, finally, from MrsTG78 and TG78 (Sherri & Kevin).....may your team win every game, except against Northwestern! :)

Re: A personal note to all my SCPrepTalk buddies....

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 9:20 am
by SF Band dad
:) :) :) Good to hear from you. I fully understand the need to step away from the PC every now and then.