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Judge rules for Brady, will play against Rebels

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 12:26 pm
by Rebel-Fan-74
Oh, wait, I got the stories mixed up...

But the way some of those Mallard Creek folks are talking on another board, they think the Patriots are coming to Nixon Field Friday night. I do think my Rebels have to play a great game, but whew, those fans make Byrnes#1 look like a real nice guy. :lol: {Chris really is a nice guy, he just loves his role as Byrnes#1, especially when he mixes it up with those Viking poster who have come to life since last season and some of the Gaffney Indians.}

As for Brady, I agree with the Judge even though I am in NO WAY a fan of the Patriots or Brady for that matter. I think Goddell just wanted to punish the Patriots because he could. There is no one happier than Brady, but my son may be close.... He has Brady in both of the Fantasy Leagues we are in! One, it was Brady and his back up was Cam Newton...

Re: Judge rules for Brady, will play against Rebels

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 4:37 am
by DeCav
Do you have a link to the board?

More outrageous than Chris? I want to see that.......I think.