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Congratulations Rebels

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 11:52 pm
by Fridaynightfan
Congrats Byrnes for setting the world record for penalties in tonight's game against Mauldin. I wasn't there, caught the game on the radio. For those of you that were there, were our boys at fault, or was the officiating just too close? Sounded ridiculous on air. Seemed like half the Mauldin first downs were on penalties, and at least 3 scores, or potential scores, were called off against Byrnes on offense.

Re: Congratulations Rebels

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 11:59 pm
by ByrnesRebels05
Fridaynightfan wrote:Congrats Byrnes for setting the world record for penalties in tonight's game against Mauldin. I wasn't there, caught the game on the radio. For those of you that were there, were our boys at fault, or was the officiating just too close? Sounded ridiculous on air. Seemed like half the Mauldin first downs were on penalties, and at least 3 scores, or potential scores, were called off against Byrnes on offense.

The one line ref on Byrnes' sideline was the culprit. He threw at least 80% of the penalties. We had some offside penalties and maybe a few holds that were legit, but most were on that ref. Also, when other refs threw flags on Mauldin, which was only a few, he would always question them on the call.

Re: Congratulations Rebels

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 12:50 am
by gamecocksfootball62
6 legitimate flags on Byrnes... 1 ineligible man down field, 1 pass interference, 3 holding 2 on the line and one on WR, roughing the kicker. Film has already been looked at and believe me their will be some refs suspended for the rest of the year mark my words. Byrnes should have had at least 50 points on the board and Mauldins scores were given to them by the refs. Byrnes didn't play the Mavericks tonight we played the Zebras. I see why they were 3-1 in the region now..with refs like that. The ref situation was so bad a man that does the High School scoreboard show after the Byrnes game said it's something about Mauldin and the refs getting laundry happy and he was a Mauldin alum. Byrnes played a good game running and passing. Those boys are starting to click, and again a big pat on the back to Coach Mags and The Strike Force.

Re: Congratulations Rebels

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 3:44 am
by Colbyc36
Any update on this particular ref's erronious calls? I listened to game on radio and Byrnes was getting HAMMERED on fouls. If indeed it was bad calls, I think the ref should be relieved of his duties.

Re: Congratulations Rebels

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 8:48 am
It was the Ref, the line judge on Byrnes' sideline. He was with out question making bogus calls right & left. When the police were walking him to their car to take him away he stopped turned to the crowd of Byrnes fans that were standing around that area & took his hat off & bowed with a crap eating grin on his face & then got in the car & they sped away.

Its a shame one man can effect a game that way but he certainly did. :twisted:

Re: Congratulations Rebels

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 9:13 am
by ByrnesRebels05
BYRNES#1 wrote:It was the Ref, the line judge on Byrnes' sideline. He was with out question making bogus calls right & left. When the police were walking him to their car to take him away he stopped turned to the crowd of Byrnes fans that were standing around that area & took his hat off & bowed with a crap eating grin on his face & then got in the car & they sped away.

Its a shame one man can effect a game that way but he certainly did. :twisted:
Also, did you notice late in the game when a ref on the other side called an offensive pass interference on Mauldin, he immediately ran out to the middle to question the call? He also questioned that the umpire walked too many yards off on the penalty. He smiled the entire night when he dropped a flag, he should never ref again for anyone. Little league or high school.

Re: Congratulations Rebels

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 9:44 am
by Colbyc36
One would think that such blatant disregard for proper officiating would result in this guys job being in jeopardy. I have no respect for this type of behavior.

Re: Congratulations Rebels

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 9:56 am
by ByrnesRebels05
I've been as harsh as anyone about our lack of discipline at times this year, but Friday night, Byrnes showed some maturity and did not let a bad situation affect their execution.

Re: Congratulations Rebels

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 12:23 pm
by 57Rebel43
I do hope that our AD and HC will send a video to the SCHSL with these blatant calls on it. We know that most of the HS referees don't like Byrnes and most have vowed to make calls to hurt them. But that was the worse I have ever seen and I have been to a lot of football games since 1955.

Does that official know that he is lying when he makes a bad call intentionally. God will hold him accountable some day.

At least our players are good enough to overcome these bad officials!

Re: Congratulations Rebels

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 1:40 pm
It was the Ref, the line judge on Byrnes' sideline. He was with out question making bogus calls right & left. When the police were walking him to their car to take him away he stopped turned to the crowd of Byrnes fans that were standing around that area & took his hat off & bowed with a crap eating grin on his face & then got in the car & they sped away.

Its a shame one man can effect a game that way but he certainly did. :twisted: