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Best of luck to Dorman

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:59 am
by rebelrooter
Even though I'm a Rebel fan, since we didn't make it to finals I'm happy to pull for Dorman. It's supposed to be a warm day (maybe too warm for the guys on the field!) with lots of sun that will bring out the shades, but no rain slickers! Good luck to the Cavs! :)

Re: Best of luck to Dorman

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:21 pm
by DeCav
Thanks a bunch! It was a great accomplishment to topple the Rebels at home. I know some of the fans are down on the coaches but you guys had a heck of a team this year! Best defense I've seen in quite awhile! Much respect to Byrnes!