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Seneca picks Hal Capps as their New Head Coach

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 6:47 pm
by Wildstallion2
Sleehrat84 says Hal Capps, from(Mooresville NC) is a state championship coach who spent his career at two schools...both are considered among the tops in the state during his tenure. He is a Christian man with high standards. The "hosting" event came when he was asked by some of his players to participate in their baptism. What he does on his own time should have never been an issue, but we are so #%#*! politically correct, someone found fault with him projecting values others wanted to share. So some players saw their coach as a fatherly figure and wanted to include him in their own profession of faith...and that is blurring the lines? To me, it should be applauded. (For the record, I coached against him in the second he was headed to his first state finals game. My observations come from 31 years of coaching in NC. He is a fine coach and a great role model.)

Re: Seneca picks Hal Capps as their New Head Coach

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 8:53 pm
by Wildstallion2
Coach Hal Capps, from NC should be able to double dip when he retires, smart move.