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Byrnes is Better Than Gaffney

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 8:05 am
by cavaliereagle
Says B1.

Re: Byrnes is Better Than Gaffney

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 8:05 am
by cavaliereagle
Your turn Mikey.

Re: Byrnes is Better Than Gaffney

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 8:24 am
by mikey
Nah I'm gonna try and treat this board as I do my facebook and try and keep it to football. At least to begin with. We'll see how it goes. We can talk junk over there. We can talk it here. I just wanta see what direction the membership takes it. I'll start one.

Re: Byrnes is Better Than Gaffney

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:40 pm
by SF Band dad
I wouldn't think a topic like this one is a problem, anyone reading the Subject knows what to expect if they click-in. :D

It's the topics that are hijacked, that veer into an off-topic smack-fest that I find annoying. I hate logging-in and finding 5 or 6 pages of new replies on a topic I'm following, only to discover that it went off-the-rails and devolved into a cock-fight. :evil:

Re: Byrnes is Better Than Gaffney

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 11:05 pm
by SF Band dad
WarPaint74 wrote: Silly li'l B#1, always tries to start a cockfight and just ends up with his duck in the dirt. :lol:
:o <snort> :lol:

Re: Byrnes is Better Than Gaffney

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:42 pm
SF Band dad wrote:
WarPaint74 wrote: Silly li'l B#1, always tries to start a cockfight and just ends up with his duck in the dirt. :lol:
:o <snort> :lol:

Its true, some people just have all the luck & I just happen to be one of them. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Well me & the ladies. :o

Re: Byrnes is Better Than Gaffney

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 6:09 am
by Chief Bojack
cavaliereagle wrote:Says B1.

What B1 says is unimportant, and we do not hear his words.
(shamelessly stolen from a Star Trek episode) LOL

Re: Byrnes is Better Than Gaffney

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:01 am
by BentleyIsGod
SF Band dad wrote:I wouldn't think a topic like this one is a problem, anyone reading the Subject knows what to expect if they click-in. :D

It's the topics that are hijacked, that veer into an off-topic smack-fest that I find annoying. I hate logging-in and finding 5 or 6 pages of new replies on a topic I'm following, only to discover that it went off-the-rails and devolved into a cock-fight. :evil:
You are wise my child. Sing the praises of the great and glorious Byrnes. I am here. I am watching. I am Byrnes. In due time I will reveal my magnificent plan. The end is near. Heed my words. The sins and debauchery of the great deceiver in the north will be revealed for all to see. Their pagan idol worship has brought destruction upon their nation. Their time is short. I will cast them from their reservation into the flaming pits and their name will never be spoken again. There will be terrible wailing and gnashing of teeth and the phrase "1961" will forever resound in their ears.
Heed my words for I AM BYRNES.

Re: Byrnes is Better Than Gaffney

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 6:00 pm
by racincowboy02
All Im goin to say is don't disappear after the season has either started or after its over

Re: Byrnes is Better Than Gaffney

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:25 am
by BentleyIsGod
There is still time for all to come unto me. I will save ye from the destruction to come. You must bow down to me and sing my praises. I AM BYRNES. The day draws near that the glorious kingdom of Byrnes will destroy all doubters and deceivers. I will provide signs to herald the end of days for my enemies. Watch for them and hear the truth, for I AM BYRNES.

I have resurrected the vikings of old and for five weeks beginning on the thirtieth day of the eighth month, I will release them upon the world to ravage and pillage, but on the sixth week I will destroy them. This is the first sign.

The second sign will be visible in the sky. On the eighteenth day of the tenth month I will cause the moon to darken and all will cower in fear and call out my name, for I AM BYRNES. This sign will precede the destruction of the savage nation from the north as they attempt to invade my hallowed ground. All the savages who have not accepted me will disappear from the face of the earth forever.

This is my warning. This is my truth, for I AM BYRNES.