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Rewriting the rules
Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2019 9:07 am
by SCPrepTalk
Rewriting the rules
By Travis Jenkins |
Tuesday, March 12, 2019 at 10:44 pm (Updated: March 14, 7:28 am)
Re: Rewriting the rules
Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2019 9:16 am
by HiTechRedNeck
very interesting and factual points made in this article. thanks for sharing. About recruiting...??? It's not just being done by Charter and Private schools....official public schools have been doing it and are getting worse actually. SCHSL will only check to see who it is before they act....if they do at all. Constitution clearly states that recruiting is illegal, but when "one of the good ole boys" is involved, the SCHSL will simply "let the districts handle it" thus washing their hands of the constitutional rules set in place for this and many other reasons.
Re: Rewriting the rules
Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2019 9:59 am
by Onion Rings
good article, and yes being able to "cap" your enrollment ensures that you compete in certain classifications
why not require private schools to compete +1 classification that they qualify for, since they can openly recruit against the public schools in their area
so if by enrollment, they classify to be 1A, make them compete in 2A to level the playing field with the public schools. Think some places do this already
Re: Rewriting the rules
Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 12:52 am
by AHS14
There are definitely some ways to level the playing field, one can look at what other states do:
In Alabama, for example, private schools have their enrollment multiplied by 1.4 for classification purposes. Additionally, they also do classification by sport for private schools. So if a school is 3A, but their football team is deemed to be "successful" (they look at past three years state titles won and winning percentage), football will get bumped up to 4A, but other sports will remain at 3A. Two schools I can think of in SC that would be tailor made for this rule are Bishop England (Volleyball) and Gray Collegiate (Boys Basketball). ... ol-sports/
Texas has some of the strictest policies towards private/charter schools. Texas allows private schools to join the league (UIL) only if they are not able to join another league (like SCISA, for example). Charter schools are allowed to join the UIL, but a charter school's classification will match that of the lowest classified school in nearest district, regardless of enrollment numbers. So, this would make a school like Legion at least a 4A school, regardless of number of students. ... er-schools