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OT - LTC George Heib -RIP

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 8:36 pm
by SF Band dad
Lieutenant Colonel George Douglas Heib, United States Army (Retired) ... mB9kQE6F-Y

Fayetteville—Lieutenant Colonel George D. Heib, born 31 December 1926 in Detroit, Michigan, passed away peacefully in his home in Fayetteville, North Carolina on 24 June 2019.

George served in the military for over 28 years, and during a brief break in service between World War II and the Korean War, he served as a Wayne County, Michigan, police officer. His military service began in 1944 when at the age of 17 he became an original Airborne member and interpreter in H Company, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division. He fought in the Battle of the Bulge and several other World War II campaigns.

He served as the First Sergeant, Battalion Operations Sergeant, and as an instructor in the Jumpmaster and Parachute schools in the 11th Airborne Division. In 1954, as a Master Sergeant, he transferred to the 77th Special Forces Group (FB-1). After a year of Language School studying Russian he transferred to Detachment A in Berlin. Later he served as an instructor in Foreign Weapons, Clandestine Intelligence, and Airborne Operations, and became a Sergeant Major in the 7th Special Forces Group. In 1961 he received a direct commission to the rank of Captain.

In his two tours in Southeast Asia, he served as an advisor to a Vietnamese Infantry Battalion and then as a Special Forces B Detachment Commander in Thailand. Between these two tours he graduated from the University of Nebraska at Omaha with a degree in General Education with majors in Psychology and Sociology. His last assignment on active duty was with the 82nd Airborne Division, as the Ar-my Ground Liaison Officer with the 317th Tactical Airlift Wing at Pope Air Force Base.

LTC Heib retired in 1972. His military awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit; Bronze Star with "V" device and two oak leaf clusters; Meritorious Service Medal; Army Commendation Medal with four oak leaf clusters; Air Force Commendation Medal; American Campaign Medal; European Campaign Medal with three bronze stars; WWII Victory Medal; Army of Occupation Medal; National Defense Service Medal with oak leaf cluster; Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal; Vietnam Service Medal with one silver and two bronze stars; NCO Professional Development Ribbon with numeral 3; Combat Infantry Badge (second award); Expert Infantry Badge; Master Parachutist Badge; Glider Badge; Pathfinder Badge; Special Forces Tab; Presidential Unit Citation; Meritorious Unit Award; Air Force Outstanding Unit Award; Vietnamese Campaign Medal; Vietnamese Training Service Medal; Vietnamese Gallantry Cross; Vietnamese Civic Action Medal; Vietnamese Parachutist Badge; Belgian Fourragere; Thai Master Parachutist Badge; and British Parachutist Badge.

After his military retirement, LTC Heib started the Junior ROTC Battalion at South View Senior High School in Hope Mills, NC, where he served as the Senior Army Instructor for 21 years. By the time he retired from South View in 1995 he had served a total of 51 years in uniform. For his work as a Senior Army Instructor, LTC Heib has been awarded the Department of the Army Outstanding Civilian Service Medal, the Commanders Award for Public Service, and the Patriotic Civilian Service Award. The Retired Teachers Association recognized him twice as the Volunteer of the Year.

Long an active member of his local community, LTC Heib served as a Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Explorer Advisor and Council Commis-sioner with the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). As a result of his dedicated service to the scouting program, he received the Vigil Honor of the Order of the Arrow; the Silver Beaver; the Saint George Award; the District Award of Merit; the Philmont Arrowhead Award; three Woodbadge Beads; the James E. West Fellowship Award; and the Spurgeon Award.
He was a member of the Special Forces Association for over 50 years. Additionally, he was the originator of the Museum Musings, a publication of U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Museum Association. He served as their secretary and editor for over 22 years. In 2011, he was inducted as a Distinguished Member of the Special Forces Regiment.
LTC Heib is survived by his wife of 67 years, Dolores Lackowski, and his seven children: Norman Roy; Karen Michelle Neaton (Rick); John Patrick (Terri); Anthony Girard (Christine); George David (Natalie); Daniel Thadeus (Yvonne); and Dolores Maria (Lisa); twelve grandchildren; and two great grandchildren.

Services commemorating LTC Heib will be held at 12pm, Saturday, 29 June, JFK Memorial Chapel, Ardennes and Zabitosky Streets, Fort Bragg, NC. In lieu of flowers, please make any donations in honor of LTC Heib to the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Museum Association, P.O. Box 70060, Fort Bragg, NC 28310-5000 ( ; ; 910-436-2366 ).

Re: OT - LTC George Heib -RIP

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 8:40 pm
by SF Band dad
LTC Heib was the Senior Army Instructor when I was in JROTC. We all knew the Colonel had lead an interesting life, but until I read his obituary, I really had no idea. The tough SOB fought in WWII, Korea and Vietnam,.... and then taught high school for 21 years. :shock: :shock:

Re: OT - LTC George Heib -RIP

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:47 pm
by Chuckster
SF Band Dad, Thanks for sharing. What an incredible and distinguished life........IF we only had more men like him.....Thoughts and prayers sent.......

Re: OT - LTC George Heib -RIP

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 12:04 pm
by EHSMeanGreen
SF Band dad wrote:LTC Heib was the Senior Army Instructor when I was in JROTC. We all knew the Colonel had lead an interesting life, but until I read his obituary, I really had no idea. The tough SOB fought in WWII, Korea and Vietnam,.... and then taught high school for 21 years. :shock: :shock:
Prayers to his family and loved ones.