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Pick'em Folks - Upstate Weather Forecast

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 11:31 am
by SCPrepTalk
Pick'em Folks - Upstate Weather Forecast
Greenville,SC for this weekend.
2019-08-19 Weather-GreenvilleSC.jpg
As always, we will make adjustments if needed, most of you know the drill.
If too many games are moved to Thursday, we will adjust the time that picks are due to Thursday at 7:00pm.
Hopefully we don't have to.

Re: Pick'em Folks - Upstate Weather Forecast

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 4:17 am
by racincowboy02
Looks like the next 2 weekends are filling up with that dreaded R word

Re: Pick'em Folks - Upstate Weather Forecast

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 10:05 am
by Penguin
Only snowflakes can't play ball in the rain

Re: Pick'em Folks - Upstate Weather Forecast

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 10:17 am
by Deputy
I get the lightening issues. But about tired of the scurrying to avoid a little rain. Especially tired of folks moving a game three days ahead of game day because there might be a cloud in the sky. I know everybody reasons that rain will cut crowd size. That true. But you would get about the same amount of folks on a rainy Friday as you would a Thursday, or Saturday. Folks without a personal connection aren't coming on Thursday because they have to work on Friday. Folks have other things they do on Saturday. Just wish folks would out on their big boy pants and play in the elements. Are we going to start moving games in November because it might be a little chilly next?

Re: Pick'em Folks - Upstate Weather Forecast

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 11:22 pm
by racincowboy02
I can't stand it when they move the games it messes up my whole day or night cause I work midnights and have to either leave the game early or have to not go if its an away game to be at work by 11. I think some of the best games have been played in the rain. I hope that they don't change the schedule

Re: Pick'em Folks - Upstate Weather Forecast

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 11:24 am
by NAmAN
I guess Aiken and Chester are snowflakes. The Aiken paper said the game is being played tonight.

Re: Pick'em Folks - Upstate Weather Forecast

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 12:46 pm
by racincowboy02
Wonder what other games are being moved then I saw on score stream that Airport and Dreher were also playing tonight unless that is a mess up on somebody's part

Re: Pick'em Folks - Upstate Weather Forecast

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 5:25 pm
by Rebel-Fan-74
I get the $$$$ excuse, but when they wait so late to move a game, do they really make money???

Last year, we played an away game on Saturday and competing with Clemson, South Carolina, and even Furman and Wofford fans, it showed. You could walk up and sit on the fifty yard line at any time. There were empty seats everywhere and we were the AWAY team.

One year Spartanburg moved a game to Thursday night and it was like a ghost town at Wofford Stadium.... ok bad example, it looks like a ghost town there on Friday nights a lot.

We played Mauldin on a Saturday and I bet there were not 2,500 fans there. Band was gone to a competition so no band or band parents; they brought less than 200 fans.

Lightening is a no brainer... but just rain? Yes I do believe there is a slightly higher chance of injuries in bad weather, but I don't know if that is a really significant increase.