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Football City USA?

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 7:11 pm
by sparked_up
Three weeks into the new season the football empire is wobbly. SP is 3-0 by very thin margins, RH 1-2, Northwestern 0-3 with injuries and the mighty new comer Legion lost there opener 38-12 after a no show. 2019 is a tough one on the hill. However, better days are ahead. The new coaches in town are doing a solid job building their programs.

Good news at least numbers are solid. 140 at northwestern and about 60 at Legion. As far as I know all the D3 schools are fielding 3 teams this year. Enjoy it while it lasts, but the kings of the hill will be back.

Re: Football City USA?

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 9:07 pm
by AHS14
Legion hasn't been open quite long enough for the recruiting to get off the ground. Give them a few years and they'll have poached all the halfway decent and above players in the area and start winning game after game...

Re: Football City USA?

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 9:17 pm
by sosgamecock
I agree. Legion will be the SP of Rock Hill within a couple of years.

Re: Football City USA?

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 9:31 pm
by sosgamecock
SP is not the SP of old and it will unfortunately show in the coming weeks. RH seems to be inconsistent but should be just fine. NW is just bad. Offense is almost nonexistent and the defense is not far behind. Fighting amongst the players during the game last week with zero control from the staff. At least one player had to be escorted off the field by security after the game. Unfortunately with Ridge View, Sumter, and Dutch Fork up next, NW is in big trouble. Hate it for the “team players” and seniors at NW. Definitely not what they signed up for.
As for Legion, it appears they are very young but do have some very talented skilled players who will set the foundation for the future. Coaches- Herron, Carroll, and Wallace are the best of the best and will build a superior program (history proves this). This is not the year for D3 schools to be down as Legion is just getting started. Just ask the baseball programs at NW and Clover about Legion.
I wish all Football City USA programs much success!

Re: Football City USA?

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 10:35 pm
by AngryMax
I think we should wait to crown Legion. They didn’t have people busting down their doors like everyone thought. Many teachers they hired had to be met go due to lower enrollment than initially expected. It’s my understanding they aren’t even halfway to capacity.

This woulda been the year to make a splash as the kids are eligible to play from day one. Starting next year they have to be from SP attendance zone.

Another reason to not get too excited about Legion’s impact on the Big 3? They all offer free transportation, free breakfast, free lunch for many of the lower socio economic status. That’s gonna be a factor.

Not saying Legion won’t be successful. They don’t need to be that good to have success in AA. Grab a few role players from RH, SP and NW and you’ve got a team that can compete in AA.

For those worried about NW. Don’t worry. 9th grade team is kicking tail. SP doesn’t have a 9th grade team. Not sure why, but JV team has high numbers. Haven’t heard much from RH. Seems like life after Narii isn’t being too kind, but SP game was close and Sumter too. Offense finally showed up vs Chester.

Re: Football City USA?

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 10:50 pm
by Chuckster
sosgamecock wrote:SP is not the SP of old and it will unfortunately show in the coming weeks. RH seems to be inconsistent but should be just fine. NW is just bad. Offense is almost nonexistent and the defense is not far behind. Fighting amongst the players during the game last week with zero control from the staff. At least one player had to be escorted off the field by security after the game. Unfortunately with Ridge View, Sumter, and Dutch Fork up next, NW is in big trouble. Hate it for the “team players” and seniors at NW. Definitely not what they signed up for.
As for Legion, it appears they are very young but do have some very talented skilled players who will set the foundation for the future. Coaches- Herron, Carroll, and Wallace are the best of the best and will build a superior program (history proves this). This is not the year for D3 schools to be down as Legion is just getting started. Just ask the baseball programs at NW and Clover about Legion.
I wish all Football City USA programs much success!
Excellent overview and analysis!! What is the deal with baseball at Northwestern and Legion? Who replaced Coach Walters at Northwestern?

Re: Football City USA?

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 11:32 pm
by sosgamecock
Coach Hunt replaced Walters. Apparently at the Legion baseball parent meeting 4-5 weeks ago, there were approximately 65 kids who attended and signed up for baseball. Majority of the NW and Clover players were in attendance and signed up. It was said NW and Clover programs are now depleted.
2 of Rock Hill Highs senior baseball players who are D1 prospects are at Legion as well.

Re: Football City USA?

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 1:37 am
by AHS14
These schools (Legion, Gray, Oceanside) have absolutely NO business being in the SCHSL... they operate completely different from regular schools... if we must be forced to accept them... they need to be in AAAAA

Re: Football City USA?

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 6:16 am
by purpleandorange
AngryMax wrote:I think we should wait to crown Legion. They didn’t have people busting down their doors like everyone thought. Many teachers they hired had to be met go due to lower enrollment than initially expected. It’s my understanding they aren’t even halfway to capacity.

This woulda been the year to make a splash as the kids are eligible to play from day one. Starting next year they have to be from SP attendance zone.
I am not sure what is correct but I am told that Legion being zoned with South Pointe only affects students that transfer. I am told they can take any student athlete from out of their zone if they enroll prior to being a freshman.

Re: Football City USA?

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 5:18 pm
by Deputy
I think going to a school outside of your zone is legal anywhere. You do have to apply for special admission, but with the help of a cooperative coach, AD, and principal, the school being applied to rarely turns them down. Only requirement is that they have to provide their own transportation.