Bands question

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Bands question

Post by Fortfor5 »

Why in the world does a teams band start jamming durring its own teams offensive possessions. I have seen this at multiple places multiple schools.most times it probably doesnt affect anything but in louder places and really intense games.the extra noise may have a impact. Drives me nuts.
Then they dont play durring defensive units.
Noise does have a effect one air horn muffed 2 berkley field goals and jumped thier line.slicker will attest to noise does have a impact.

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Re: Bands question



Fort Dorchester Patriots
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Re: Bands question

Post by Fortd00 »

I know the rule of thumb is to play when the other team has the ball. I know bands like Burke play at any time, but bands like that has the opposite affect, because it's hype music. Unlike bands like ours that will lull you to sleep

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Re: Bands question

Post by SF Band dad »

Our band used to play all the time and it apparently didn't affect the team very much. However, that changed in 2013 when we played a non-region game at Lake City and the band went. (The band usually only travels to "away" games against the other two FS1 schools, W Florence and Wilson.

The visitor's stands at Lake City are only 10 rows high and only 15-20 feet from the sideline. When our offense was going left to right the coaches on the sidelines ended up right in front of the band at the 30 yard line, they couldn't hear the OC calling down the plays in their headsets. The band director immediately stopped playing during offense and I don't think we have ever since.

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Re: Bands question

Post by Fortfor5 »

Im absolutely sure the cellphones of today saved of no laws broken.if it was 80s or 90s ida ben told to leave or jailed.i sorta wished they would have i could use the extra money.but they didnt have a justification to do so lol.anyways yall wussied out and dont have airhorns anymore.

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Re: Bands question

Post by Damefan »

Curious what the SCHSL rule actually is on the matter. I know a SC team that played in a Georgia recently that got penalized for their band playing during play. It was explained that Georgia doesn’t allow bands to play except between plays and during halftime.

I wanted to quote the GHSA rules.

3. Bands are not to play during live-ball situations.
NOTE: This includes the situation in which there is no timeout and the teams are in a huddle.
(a) If, during a football game, a team claims interference with communications due to band noise, the Referee shall give a warning to one or both head coaches and the bands must cease playing.
(b) If there is a second offense by the same school's band, an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty will be imposed against that school's team.


G. Bands shall not play music at football games while the ball is in play, or while signals are being
called by the quarterback. This means that it is not permissible to use either:
1. Drum roll or beat
2. Cymbals clashing
3. Horn sounds, or
4. Any other kind of musical instrument while the play is underway in football.
H. Roving bands shall be allowed to participate at the discretion of the host Athletic Director.
However, such bands shall not perform while the ball is in play or while signals are being called
by the quarterback.
Also, the roving band shall not perform behind the visiting team’s bench area. If a roving band is
found in violation of this agreement, that band shall be suspended from roving the remainder of that
season at any football games.

**The NFHS doesn't have a rule against bands playing, but there are states such as Ohio, Georgia and others that have other state rules on this issue.
Last edited by Damefan on Mon Sep 30, 2019 3:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Bands question

Post by 96fanatic »

i watched coach Pinky Babb run the Greenwood Band off the field
just as they were about to play the national athem in 1968.

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Re: Bands question

Post by Penguin »

We were assesed several delay of game penalties during the heydays of the BHS band in the late 80s and early 90s. Didn't get off the field in a timely manner after playing the national ********(anthem). Now it is played from the stands or as most places, via the PA system from a recording in the pressbox.
The "Godfather" didn't whine like The "Slobfather" is doing, when he got INDICTED!!!!!

Fort Dorchester Patriots
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Re: Bands question

Post by Fortfor5 »

Damefan wrote:Curious what the SCHSL rule actually is on the matter. I know a SC team that played in a Georgia recently that got penalized for their band playing during play. It was explained that Georgia doesn’t allow bands to play except between plays and during halftime.

I wanted to quote the GHSA rules.

3. Bands are not to play during live-ball situations.
NOTE: This includes the situation in which there is no timeout and the teams are in a huddle.
(a) If, during a football game, a team claims interference with communications due to band noise, the Referee shall give a warning to one or both head coaches and the bands must cease playing.
(b) If there is a second offense by the same school's band, an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty will be imposed against that school's team.
Ok you knew this was coming eventually. You being a former coach what are your thoughts on this.

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Re: Bands question

Post by Damefan »

I think it should be manage between the coaches and AD's. I have always thought any participation by students, parents, and fans is important. This can usually be handled with a call during the week between the AD's who then communicate the standards of expectations to the Coaches, Cheer Coaches, and Band Directors. I hate to see so many bands no longer traveling to away games. I see so many games where the visiting teams bleachers are empty (which is where I sit for every game I attend). I always enjoy meeting the visiting teams fans and making new friends. You also learn who some of the key players to watch are as well. Those who travel are proud supporters!!

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