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Thanks Spartanburg!

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 12:18 am
by DeCav
We love our new $8,000,000 stadium!

New rivalry record....largest margin of victory. Old, old record: Spartanburg 37. Old record:Dorman 47. New record: Dorman 49. :mrgreen:

Re: Thanks Spartanburg!

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 12:24 am
by Colbyc36
Love it!
On a side note Decav, I just bet a Waffle House lunch with one of your alumni here at work for the game in two weeks. Can you believe he was silly enough to bite?

Re: Thanks Spartanburg!

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 12:25 am
by NuclearCav90
Nice to see you posting DeCav! Greetings from Minnesota! I listened on the radio and it sure was fun. We whipped those Vikes like they stole something! Payback now for all the pain they caused us back in the day the way I see it! Too bad I couldn’t be there to check out SHS’s new digs! This is Cody by the way just in case you don’t remember.

Re: Thanks Spartanburg!

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 12:48 am
by DeCav
Oh i always know when you’re posting Cody. I couldn’t actually be there. Stuck watching on TV. The stadium the Vikes just lost it’s second game in cost twice as much as Dorman’s entire campus.

Yeah payback is Hell. ‘ still burns!

Look on the bright side Vikes!

1st you now have stock game film of every way you can be bitch slapped in a game. The only thing missing was a field goal attempt.

2nd take it from me. The classic close loss whether a trench fight or barn burner is the worst. By next Friday you’ll have forgotten all about this one if you haven’t already which is why I’m here. To remind you.

Also, you have a Win notched as your inaugural game in your stadium. Congrats on not being stupid enough not to set up a sacrificial lamb. Both Dorman and Gaffney took on an old region 2 4A opponent. Again. Stupid. Dorman should have brought in JL Mann for the first game and lost the second to byrnes.

For the record I congratulate your new home! You finally moved out of the basement!

Again, 1st game? A win for the Vikes. Forget the rest.

I think the whole upstate has been wanting this to happen. Lovely place!

Re: Thanks Spartanburg!

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 1:01 am
by NuclearCav90
Dorman’s first game in Roebuck was 2002 against Mauldin...and the Cavs were heavily favored but struggled to a 17-10 win that night. Right opponent but poor performance. I think that’s correct anyway

Re: Thanks Spartanburg!

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 1:03 am
by DeCav
No, I’m quite certain we opened against Byrnes. It was my son’s first ever football game and we missed it because the stadium lights didn’t come on for like an hour and we had to leave cause he was crying.

Re: Thanks Spartanburg!

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 1:07 am
by NuclearCav90
DeCav wrote:No, I’m quite certain we opened against Byrnes. It was my son’s first ever football game and we missed it because the stadium lights didn’t come on for like an hour and we had to leave cause he was crying.
And I’m pretty sure that was the second game. I remember the light fiasco well. And then Byrnes knocked the lights out of the Cavs. But again, it was 17 years ago and I might not be remembering right so forgive me if I’m wrong...

Re: Thanks Spartanburg!

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 1:13 am
by NuclearCav90
But back to the present for just a moment. Tonight Dorman won 56-7 and it would have been worse if not for some early Dorman turnovers. It was the most lopsided game in the series since 1974 when Steve Fuller lead the Vikings to a 63-6 romp. This game could have easily eclipsed that. Dorman was that dominant.

Re: Thanks Spartanburg!

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 1:20 am
by DeCav
Not to lay it on but we also had to score four touchdowns to earn 14 points.

Re: Thanks Spartanburg!

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 1:23 am
by DeCav
Well we bought our PSL’s as early as we could. Pretty sure we wouldn’t have missed the first home game. Is it possible we beat Mauldin at Mauldin and then the lost to Byrnes at dorman?