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Realignment Talk

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 8:16 pm
by Rebel-Fan-74
This will be a really brutal realignment in my humble opinion.

I am thinking with the changes in the Fort Mill area there will be some interesting decisions there as well as some areas. Does this break Fort Mill and Nation Ford down to 4A? If it does, what happens to Clover, Rock Hill and Northwestern? Do they pull Gaffney from Region Two along with Boiling Springs? It's happened before. Maybe they send Clover, Rock Hill and Northwestern down I-77 to join Blythewood, Spring Valley and Lugoff-Elgin and send Sumter back to Region Six?

Wando? What happens there?

I’m sure there are other things in the works that some of you know about and can share with the rest of us.


I still think if they went from 5 classifications to 3 classifications and then split things up come playoffs into 6 brackets might make it easier. 5 brackets with 24 to 32 teams now, 6 brackets with 16 teams may mean fewer teams in the playoffs which I think wouldn't be a bad thing. I know there are problems with this plan just like the others and some would agree and some will not.. but guess what, it's been that way with every plan.

Another option, instead of the BIG SIXTEEN that we used to have, create a BIG TWENTY FOUR or THIRTY TWO then split up the rest in 4 Classifications with the option of moving someone up or down a few positions for geographic reasons to make the Regions better.

Re: Realignment Talk

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 8:27 pm
by Fortfor5
Wando should be split by then.

Re: Realignment Talk

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 8:41 pm
by Tigerific
We need to go back to an 11 game regular season and 4 weeks of playoffs. Pretty much everyone is guaranteed 11 games anyway.

Re: Realignment Talk

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 8:42 pm
by mikey
The new Fountain Inn HS in Greenville opening in 2021 will be drawing 250 each from Mauldin and Hillcrest think they said on channel 7. Not sure how that would affect region 2..

Re: Realignment Talk

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 8:57 pm
by SF Band dad
mikey wrote:The new Fountain Inn HS in Greenville opening in 2021 will be drawing 250 each from Mauldin and Hillcrest think they said on channel 7. Not sure how that would affect region 2..
Nobody knows. It obviously does not affect this year's 45ADM numbers, the question is how much "adjustment" the HSL will make in advance of the new HS opening.

Re: Realignment Talk

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 9:42 pm
by Onion Rings
A decision will be made. Not everyone will be happy with it. In 2 years something else will be tried

some want the regions to determine seeding. other want the points system back. Some teams want to move up (not many), others want to move down

you can have a split region in York county where some of the teams are 5A and some are 4A if you use points to seed. So RH, NW, FM, Nafo, Clover, FM, CRidge, SP, and York

get rid of the current, predetermined playoff match ups based on region finish. Go back to points and cross bracket upper and lower

Re: Realignment Talk

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 10:58 pm
by SF Band dad
I think transportation costs are the 800lb gorilla. It's not just football, it's all sports. Most schools want compact regions, competitiveness and fairness are secondary concerns.

Re: Realignment Talk

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 11:31 pm
by Chuckster
" Rebel-Fan-74 » Mon Oct 28, 2019 7:16 pm

This will be a really brutal realignment in my humble opinion.

I am thinking with the changes in the Fort Mill area there will be some interesting decisions there as well as some areas. Does this break Fort Mill and Nation Ford down to 4A? If it does, what happens to Clover, Rock Hill and Northwestern? Do they pull Gaffney from Region Two along with Boiling Springs? It's happened before. Maybe they send Clover, Rock Hill and Northwestern down I-77 to join Blythewood, Spring Valley and Lugoff-Elgin and send Sumter back to Region Six?"

Rebel-Fan ....You bring up a great discussion.....As we all know, realignment all hinges on Average Daily Attendance based on what the SCHSL has been using. IF Nation Ford and Fort Mill drop to 4A based on the average attendance numbers, I like what you propose about Blythewood, Spring Valley, Lugoff-Elgin, Rock Hill, Clover, Northwestern being in the same Region. If

If I am not mistaken, South Pointes numbers have dropped as well. You could see a scenario with SP, NAFO, Lancaster, York, FM, Lancaster and Ridge View being in the same 4A Region....Westwood and Richland NE could move to a Columbia area 4A region.

I have never liked a 5 team region concept......You only play 4 region games....

Re: Realignment Talk

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 4:42 am
by Fortfor5
I realize it doesnt do good for smaller schools.
But smaller regions gives us the opportunity to play out of state
Which is good for kids.

Re: Realignment Talk

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 9:23 am
by Deputy
There isnt a clear way to do it. All regions arent created equal. Like this year. The 3rd place finisher in region 2 would be the 1 seed if they were in the region with Rock Hill, and NW. But then the points deal has its downside. At that point, sometimes the competition one plays becomes more important than how good you are. Regardless of how they do it, I hope they dont go back to the cross bracketing. Nobody from the upstate needs a trip to the coast. And vice versa.