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SCPrepTalk SCHSL 5A Playoff Projections after Week 10

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2019 11:11 pm
by SCPrepTalk
SCPrepTalk SCHSL 5A Playoff Projections after Week 10
BLACK - Locked In
RED- Projection

*Let me know if I have anything out of place.
Thanks for visiting and posting at SCPrepTalk. :mrgreen:

*As always, this is UNOFFICIAL and just a projection.
OFFICIAL brackets will come out sometime tomorrow.

Re: SCPrepTalk SCHSL 5A Playoff Projections after Week 10

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2019 11:34 pm
by SF Band dad
Stall's win over Ashley Ridge resulted in a 3-way-tie for 3rd place in region 8. We think West Ashley wins the tie-breaker based on "Region Point Differential between the tied teams"

Each region sets their own tie-breaking rules. We would appreciate it if one of you guys down there could confirm.

Re: SCPrepTalk SCHSL 5A Playoff Projections after Week 10

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2019 11:42 pm
by EHSMeanGreen
I have a copy of the 2018 Tiebreakers for 5A Region 8.

If someone can confirm that those tiebreakers did not change for 2019.

Re: SCPrepTalk SCHSL 5A Playoff Projections after Week 10

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 9:51 am
by bbrown1240
Upper state at large will be Blythewood.

Lower state may be White Knoll but haven’t heard it confirmed.

Re: SCPrepTalk SCHSL 5A Playoff Projections after Week 10

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 11:41 am
by olguy73
Lower state will be Chapin. It can not be White Knoll as they lost the head to head with Chapin therefore White Knoll finished last in their region. Doesn’t matter either team will get their doors blown off again by Dutch Fork.

Re: SCPrepTalk SCHSL 5A Playoff Projections after Week 10

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 12:45 pm
by bbrown1240
You’re right. I hate that Aveon Smith for WK got hurt though. He made their whole team look so much better.

Re: SCPrepTalk SCHSL 5A Playoff Projections after Week 10

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 4:18 pm
by Fortfor5
Looks like df in round two

Re: SCPrepTalk SCHSL 5A Playoff Projections after Week 10

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 8:05 pm
by Damefan
Irmo vs Lauren’s in the Upperstate game. Also fort05 you get DF at home in week 3 of the playoffs. Potential rematch against Berkeley in week 2.

Re: SCPrepTalk SCHSL 5A Playoff Projections after Week 10

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 12:16 am
by NuclearCav90
A few thoughts:

1) Woodmont to Sumter is a very long bus ride.
2) I’ll be looking at the Boiling Springs-Clover game closely. Clover’s schedule has been much weaker than BS. I think this one might be interesting. Same goes for Blythewood-Laurens.
3) I think the best teams in the Upper State are in Region 2. I just don’t believe in Clover or Sumter right now. Blue Eagles and Gamecocks, prove me wrong!
4) It sucks that once again Dorman, who went unbeaten, might have to travel to Clover in the third round. Just as we had to travel to TL Hanna in the third round last year.
5) Even so, Dorman seems to have a pretty clear path to the upper state finals in my opinion, where they are likely to host Byrnes or perhaps Gaffney
6) Just how good is Dutch Fork? Are they really that head and shoulders above the rest of the state? Are they a shoo-in for Columbia or can someone in the Lower State, perhaps Fort Dorchester play with them and perhaps knock them off? And can Dorman/ Byrnes/Gaffney upend the Silver Foxes or is the Upper State basically playing for runner up?

Re: SCPrepTalk SCHSL 5A Playoff Projections after Week 10

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 1:49 am
by AHS14
NuclearCav90 wrote:A few thoughts:

1) Woodmont to Sumter is a very long bus ride.
2) I’ll be looking at the Boiling Springs-Clover game closely. Clover’s schedule has been much weaker than BS. I think this one might be interesting. Same goes for Blythewood-Laurens.
3) I think the best teams in the Upper State are in Region 2. I just don’t believe in Clover or Sumter right now. Blue Eagles and Gamecocks, prove me wrong!
4) It sucks that once again Dorman, who went unbeaten, might have to travel to Clover in the third round. Just as we had to travel to TL Hanna in the third round last year.
5) Even so, Dorman seems to have a pretty clear path to the upper state finals in my opinion, where they are likely to host Byrnes or perhaps Gaffney
6) Just how good is Dutch Fork? Are they really that head and shoulders above the rest of the state? Are they a shoo-in for Columbia or can someone in the Lower State, perhaps Fort Dorchester play with them and perhaps knock them off? And can Dorman/ Byrnes/Gaffney upend the Silver Foxes or is the Upper State basically playing for runner up?
I think whoever comes out of the upper state will give Dutch Fork a good game. Not saying that Dutch Fork won't still win, but I don't see it being as one-sided as it was last season.