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It Hits The Fan in Gaffney Already

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 6:44 am
by Chief Whoa
It’s the elephant in the room. Make that the superintendent with a super ego who is unfortunately in the room at the school district office. Will the superintendent make a change at head coach of the Gaffney High football team? He might have already tipped his hand when he showed the door to Blacksburg football coach Drew Chisholm after Chisholm ... -the-room/

Mod Edited: Unfortunately, we can only show a few lines without issues...
It doesn't prevent you from discussing it. Just can't quote this column word for word.

Re: Chit Hits The Fan in Gaffney Already

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 7:41 am
by Chief Whoa
I've tried my best not to take sides or even comment on the Gaffney coaching situation but this column. :shock:

Re: Chit Hits The Fan in Gaffney Already

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 11:45 am
by Onion Rings
Cherokee county is not Sumter county

Sumter county has no expectations or interest in high school football. They draw more people to P-15 legion baseball games than to football. Win or lose there is little pressure from the community

Gaffney football is the life blood of Cherokee county. Gaffney plays in the strongest region against the strongest teams yearly. The whole town is invested in the football program

if this super thinks he can plug and play with Sumter people coaching in Gaffney, he has no idea what he's getting into. Sumter has great talent, arguably the best in the state. They should be a football powerhouse every year but are not

Not sure what direction this thing is going

Re: It Hits The Fan in Gaffney Already

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 1:15 pm
by likeitRnot
if the Gaffney job comes open and I think it will..This would be the biggest job opening in 2 states maybe 3 . The people that would apply for this job would be insane!!!! Gaffney talent is unreal!! The right coach would make Gaff a national powerhouse!

Re: Chit Hits The Fan in Gaffney Already

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 4:25 pm
by Chief Whoa
Onion Rings wrote:Cherokee county is not Sumter county

Sumter county has no expectations or interest in high school football. They draw more people to P-15 legion baseball games than to football. Win or lose there is little pressure from the community

Gaffney football is the life blood of Cherokee county. Gaffney plays in the strongest region against the strongest teams yearly. The whole town is invested in the football program

if this super thinks he can plug and play with Sumter people coaching in Gaffney, he has no idea what he's getting into. Sumter has great talent, arguably the best in the state. They should be a football powerhouse every year but are not

Not sure what direction this thing is going
The superintendent will not form a search committee for the Blacksburg job opening and is interviewing candidates himself and recommending one to the school board. The writer thinks it will be someone from Sumter and takes shots at the superintendent and thinks the same thing will happen at Gaffney. He thinks Coach Jones is doing a good job and deserves to be the one to decide when he steps down. The bullet points I had posted had more detail and still wasn't the entire column so I'm not sure why a mod edited it.

Re: It Hits The Fan in Gaffney Already

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 5:46 pm
by HiTechRedNeck
I doubt a coach from Sumter COUNTY is going to Blacksburg...unless some serious $$$ (like over 100k) is involved.

Re: It Hits The Fan in Gaffney Already

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 7:26 pm
by racincowboy02
I don't see how the guy at Sumter can come in and do anything with what we have especially when we went down there and smoked them in the rain at their place in the 2nd round of the playoffs. If I was the school board I would tell the district wide AD that we want the guy at Chapman and we don't care what you want or think you need we are throwing our checkbook at him and we see what happens and if he didn't like it then the door is that way and to not let the door hit you where the good lord split you

Re: It Hits The Fan in Gaffney Already

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 12:17 pm
by Rebel-Fan-74
From reports and comments I’ve seen and heard there already have been “unofficial” inquiries to the Chapman coach regarding a potential move to Gaffney. To his credit, the coach basically ignored the comments and questions and only spoke about Chapman. I am not sure if he is interested in moving.

Re: It Hits The Fan in Gaffney Already

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 11:38 pm
by Statelinepanther
This nutjob superintendent has to go. He's already pushing for year round school, a tax increase and a magnet school. Not to mention lining up high paying jobs for his loved ones and friends. I checked his linked in page and now see why he's never lasted more than 2 years anywhere else. He's gotta go!!!!!

Re: It Hits The Fan in Gaffney Already

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 12:40 am
by racincowboy02
I would be ok with the year round school cause the kids actually get out of school more with the year round deal than they do with the calendar they do now. As far as the magnet school and the tax increase I say hell no to that. Plus if you are really serious about a magnet school and a tax increase you better get ready for a bunch of pissed off voters to come out and vote the entire school board off lol. Better start calling your school board members now and start talking crap to them to make them start standing up against it