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Why Do You Follow Your Team

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 3:05 am
by racincowboy02
Just curious as to why you follow your team and if you switched teams why

Re: Why Do You Follow Your Team

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 7:14 am
by GoBigGreen
I follow Summerville because I am a 1982 grad. I follow the Gamecocks because I had many friends in school who were Gamecock fans. Let's call it peer pressure. I have pulled for South Carolina ever since. I actually have 2 brothers who are Clemson grads so I am the blacksheep of the family. It has been tough the last few years but once a Gamecock, always a Gamecock.

Re: Why Do You Follow Your Team

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 11:27 am
by Fortfor5
GoBigGreen wrote:I follow Summerville because I am a 1982 grad. I follow the Gamecocks because I had many friends in school who were Gamecock fans. Let's call it peer pressure. I have pulled for South Carolina ever since. I actually have 2 brothers who are Clemson grads so I am the blacksheep of the family. It has been tough the last few years but once a Gamecock, always a Gamecock.
God dang didnt think you were that far get around good for a geezer.

Re: Why Do You Follow Your Team

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 11:33 am
by Fortfor5
racincowboy02 wrote:Just curious as to why you follow your team and if you switched teams why
Gotta back the team my kid plays for .loyalty to the program he is in. Absolutely impressed with how he and his team are earn your keep .no nepotism to hurt the program.
You are a number .you do well you play you dont you get to learn sime more.good life lessons .no predetermined crap.

Re: Why Do You Follow Your Team

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 12:18 pm
by 96fanatic
Finished 96 in 1964.Been supporting my Wildcats since then.
i have lived in Greenwood since 1973 about a mile from
Emerald High and 4 miles from Greenwood daughter
graduated fron Greenwood High in 1983 and my son in 1989.

Re: Why Do You Follow Your Team

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 1:59 pm
by SF Band dad
In 2009 my daughter was in middle school and was asked to march with the SFHS band. I hadn't been to a high school football game since 1983 when I played HS ball up in NC. I volunteered to help out with the band boosters and really enjoyed going to the games. I still go to most of their games and I've continued to volunteer for some SFHS and district organizations.

Re: Why Do You Follow Your Team

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 7:58 pm
by Rebel-Fan-74
My mom was in the first class at James F Byrnes after the merger of Duncan High School and WLT and Dad was a junior that year.

I graduated from Byrnes and my wife graduated from Byrnes

My son and daughter graduated from Byrnes,

and my grandsons are now in Duncan Elementary School and will one day be at Byrnes.

I think my first Byrnes game was in 1967, before many of you were even a gleam in your daddy's eyes. I give Slick a hard time, but as long as he's there, I can't be the oldest one here. Slicker's first football game was watching Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble at Bedrock High School, Joe Rockhead was the coach.


Re: Why Do You Follow Your Team

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 8:00 pm
by racincowboy02
Wow that's awesome I have been born and raised and graduated from Gaffney got my 1st taste of Gaffney football in 1985 and haven't looked back.

Fortfor5 if my memory serves me correctly you were a Summerville fan before that right? So what made you follow them?

SF that's pretty awesome right there

96 what made you not switch support to the Eagles or did you support them and go to their games when your kids were at Greenwood

Re: Why Do You Follow Your Team

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 10:26 pm
by Newcatntown
In 2006, the Bluffton Bulldogs pee-wee league needed sons started playing that year and next thing I know Im on the sidelines running the downs marker every Saturday for the next 5 years during football season!!! 8-)

In 2009 I took over a spot on the Bluffton High chain gang as it is a coveted position.... being that you get to be up close to the action and get to listen and watch the visiting teams coaches and players. That year we had talented players but not a good motivational coach...( I will leave his name out of this.)

2010 came along and the new HC (Ken Cribb) got Bluffton on the SC football map with a region title and hosting lower state championship game @ state championship game in 2011!!!! 8-)

I could go on and on about the next few years...but all this leads up to WHY I follow Bluffton and ALL SC football....being up close to the kids on Friday nights and watching them go at it hard for 48 minutes.....I follow because of their LOVE OF THE GAME!!!! :D

Re: Why Do You Follow Your Team

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2019 10:05 am
by Fortfor5
racincowboy02 wrote:Wow that's awesome I have been born and raised and graduated from Gaffney got my 1st taste of Gaffney football in 1985 and haven't looked back.

Fortfor5 if my memory serves me correctly you were a Summerville fan before that right? So what made you follow them?

SF that's pretty awesome right there

96 what made you not switch support to the Eagles or did you support them and go to their games when your kids were at Greenwood
I went there for 2 yrs played 1 i lived there from 76till 87 moved to Columbia temporarily and moved back to goose creek.