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OT MLB Sign Stealing Scandal
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 11:55 pm
by racincowboy02 ... unishments
I find this laughable and absolutely crazy. You fire a manager and the GM for players doing what they have been doing since they were in little league. To say that sign stealing is ruining the game and all of the BS in this article and the opinions of these so called higher ups and everyone else is ridiculous. If you played the game or have coached baseball then you have either tried to steal teams signs or you actually did it and put on a play to stop the other team with what they were trying to do. I don't see where MLB would even attempt to worry about this when you got players using steroids and other PEDs that taint the game far more that any of this
Re: OT MLB Sign Stealing Scandal
Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 1:02 am
by SF Band dad
I agree. You don't want someone "stealing" your signals....? Make them tough, change them up. It worked in Little League, I'm sure seasoned professionals can work that out.
Why not just let them use encrypted receivers in their helmets, do away with all the goofy hand signals and knock 20 minutes off the game.
Re: OT MLB Sign Stealing Scandal
Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 1:10 am
by racincowboy02
Exactly or if you want to continue with the signs go to a wrist band with numbers and stuff on them like football. I mean to suspend and fire a manager and GM because they were smart enough to figure out how to steal signs and use the technology that is there to do it. I mean its not rocket science to steal signs especially of you play the same teams for 3-4 game series and atleast a dozen times during the season. I mean in little league we played the same team twice and by the 2nd or 3rd inning in a game I could pick up the signs and then the coach would think he is slick and change them but would leave the indicator the same or change the indicator and leave the signs the same after watching you could see what was goin on and pick up on it
Re: OT MLB Sign Stealing Scandal
Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 7:31 am
by mikey
I is killing the game...
Re: OT MLB Sign Stealing Scandal
Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 8:12 am
by Onion Rings
strip the titles from the cheaters, and if you are teaching this in little league, get a grip and grow up
sport is supposed to be on an even playing field. Learn to win, advance, over come the right way
Re: OT MLB Sign Stealing Scandal
Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 11:09 am
by Deputy
This is such a joke. But in today's "woke" society I suppose someone got their feelings hurt. Stealing signals in both baseball, and football has been going on forever. If you dont like your signals being stolen, figure out a way to outsmart them where they are playing a fools game by trusting them. It's the gamesmanship within the game.
Re: OT MLB Sign Stealing Scandal
Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 7:12 pm
by racincowboy02
How is technology killing the game Mikey?
Onion Ring I think its funny how you want to say grow up and learn to win I did learn to win and learned real quick that if I wanted to win and be good at it then you had to get that 1 up on the other team and know what they were doin before they did it. I also think its funny that you would say I need to grow up trust me if you think that coaches around the nation in little league don't steal signs every year then you are sadly mistaken but whatever. I can almost bet you that every baseball coach from high school, college and the minors steal signs and know exactly what is goin to happen and they put on a play to counter act what the other team is doing
Re: OT MLB Sign Stealing Scandal
Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 7:14 pm
by mikey
A man on 2nd base stealing signs is one thing...a high powered camera trained on the catcher, linked to a monitor in the dug out

...that goes to far for me a purist...
Re: OT MLB Sign Stealing Scandal
Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 7:16 pm
by racincowboy02
I can see your point there and can agree but you have to admit that the camera on the catcher and the guys either in the dug out or in the suite have to be pretty dang smart and have to be pretty patient to sit there and watch very closely to get the signs right to start with you know
Re: OT MLB Sign Stealing Scandal
Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 7:30 pm
by mikey
racincowboy02 wrote:I can see your point there and can agree but you have to admit that the camera on the catcher and the guys either in the dug out or in the suite have to be pretty dang smart and have to be pretty patient to sit there and watch very closely to get the signs right to start with you know
Then as Onion Rings said...let everyone have a camera...even the playing field up is no umpires...