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Moss brings energetic approach to (H-P) Raiders program

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:25 am
by SF Band dad
Moss brings energetic approach to Raiders program
Lou Bezjak | Morning News |

PAMPLICO — Being a football coach’s son, Matt Moss knew early on what he wanted to do for a living.

Anyone who spends time at Hannah-Pamplico’s practices likely would agree Moss made the right decision. The first-year coach is in his comfort zone pacing around the field, leading his team from drill to drill. <snip>

Matt Moss coached with his dad at Wren and Lake City and also has been at South Florence before spending the last six years as an offensive line and strength coach at Myrtle Beach, where he was part of two state championship teams.

< Excerpt - full article at headline link >