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Weekend Golf

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 8:23 am
by DeCav
Mountain View par 3 west of Village Greens in Inman.
1275 Turpin Rd. Inman, SC 29349

Sunday 28th. Tee off at 9 am.

Re: Weekend Golf

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 10:00 am
by Rebel-Fan-74
Sorry, I'll be at Duncan First...

I was looking forward to beating you. :D

Re: Weekend Golf

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 5:56 pm

Re: Weekend Golf

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 2:27 pm
by DeCav
No SLICK, Byrnes is in Duncan. Other way around.

Ken you’re more than welcome to join us in a round of golf. Please let me know all available dates and times you are not available or otherwise indisposed to play so we can schedule the official poster tournaments during those times.

As it is the standings are:

Sunday 21st: (Mountain View par3)

#1 Dorman Cavaliers (Mark)
#2 Dorman Cavaliers (Zack)

Sunday 28th: (Mountain View par3)

#1 Dorman Cavaliers (Zack)
#2 Dorman Cavaliers (Mark)

Not posting scores yet cause we don’t want to intimidate or frighten off any interested parties.

Actually my nephew and I will probably stick with our Sunday ritual because now we’re taking his 3 and 5 yr old with us and really its kind of a loose, foul mouthed excursion replete with beer and some exotic tobacco product he swears by. (The swears usually are issued on the tee box and most often when there is a body of water (large or small) in between the tee box and the pin.) Intuition tells me some of the more cultured players will not be as impressed by our behavior as they are our game and not at all impressed by our game, if you can call it that.

As such, we can do a post worship round on Sundays or if the majority (Ken) prefers a Saturday round.

Please respond with a desired day of the week and tee time!

We’ll begin posting official scores as soon as someone is brave/available enough to knock a Cavalier off the hill (probably...scratch that...definitely the first time a non Cavalier steps up to the challenge.)

Lets shoot (pun intended) for 8:30 am this following Saturday. 9 am tee time. If I’m late (to be read until I get there either start without me/ drive a bag of balls/ or apend some time on the putting green practicing.

(864) 316-7133

I’ll post on this thread as I’m leaving for the course.

Re: Weekend Golf

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 2:31 pm
by DeCav
I usually play my cards closer to the vest but I’ll go ahead and confess I plan to sandbag for the first two or three decades per real Dorman Cavaliers football (and Sun Tzu’s Art Of War) in order to lure opponents into a false sense of comfort and hopefully even arrogance. This strategy paid dividends when it came to destroying Sparty’s psyche.

Re: Weekend Golf

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 2:00 am
by DeCav
Golf 9am Sunday.
Mountain View Par 3, Inman,sc.