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Florence One Schools planning alternating instructional days

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 5:29 pm
by SF Band dad
Florence One Schools planning alternating instructional days
BY MATTHEW CHRISTIAN -- Morning News -- Jul 16, 2020 --

FLORENCE, S.C. — Florence One's proposed return-to-school playbook includes alternating in-person instructional days. A central component of the plan is organizing students into cohorts by last name. Students with last names beginning A-K would be organized into Cohort A. Students with last names L-Z would be organized into Cohort B. ….some exceptions would have to be made,...

….particularly vulnerable teachers would be asked to teach online and teachers who are less vulnerable would be asked to teach in person.

….alternating [reduces] class size to allow for social distancing. ….students in different cohorts would use different desks and common areas would cleaned regularly throughout the day.

....the district [is working on a virtual-only option for parents to choose] and having it as a backup option should schools be closed to in-person learning at some point...

< Excerpts -- full article is at the headline link. >

It seems the plan calls for Cohort A to be in class on Mondays and Wednesdays, remote learning Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Cohort B will be in class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, remote learning on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The new schedule has the students starting classes after labor day with a greatly reduced number of days off during the year. ~SFBD