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Dillon preview

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 10:33 am
by 1 CAT FAN

Re: Dillon preview

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 10:51 am
by Onion Rings
um. They look loaded! Watch out in 3A

Re: Dillon preview

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 11:43 am
by nastycats1988
ONE THING I HAVE LEARNED IS YOU NEVER KNOW WHO IS GOING TO WIN UNTIL THEY PLAY THE GAMES. THE DENVER NUGGETS JUST SHOWED US THAT.All or nothing this year. THIS IS LITERALLY THE TEAM. The Entire Offensive Line is all Seniors. The entire Wideout Core is Seniors.(Top to bottom has a chance to be the west WR core we have ever had). We have 3 backs in the backfield Including Nemo Squire who is legit squatting 525 lbs and has really worked on his speed and conditioning, Nigel George(the little bullet) who is a handfull and Qushod Singleton. 2 Quarterbacks battling for the job. A WHOLE host of defensive players back. I see the SCHSL went ahead and Snuck Wren(They played in the 4A state title game last year and return a good bit) down.