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How can we make it better.....

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 12:42 pm
by Rebel-Fan-74
DeCav made a post stating that he thinks this is the best Sports Based Board around...

I agree with him and I also add that EHSMeanGreen, our Owner/CEO/COO/HPIC, goes above and beyond to help keep it that way. I fully believe that 99.999999% of the posters on this site have no idea just what he does to keep this thing online and functioning properly. He's also invested his own funds to that effort as well. HPIC - Head Poster In Charge

Also, SFBandDad who was the founder and former owner helps keep things going as well.

Other's provide assistance behind the scenes with supporting actions, admin help, and other work. Without all of these folks, we'd all be on Facebook looking for each other and finding information on High School football, and other sports.

HOWEVER: Can we improve? Yes. And we would love to see some input from you, the users, on ways we can make it better.... spay or neuter SLICKER is always the #1 idea and that is not something we can do, nor do we want to get anywhere near that operation.

But we are always looking for other ideas. Some of those ideas would have to be vetted with the current software, ??? will it work with this software ?? and some would have to be evaluated for cost $$$ and some for both of those reasons.

Some ideas deal with the software and some with the content..

:idea: :arrow: LIKE BUTTONS - Similar to FACEBOOK and TWITTER

:idea: :arrow: Chat Room for live discussions

I'm sure you have ideas as well, what are they?

Re: How can we make it better.....

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 12:56 pm
by Penguin
I could gladly tell you, but as with everything else that you don't agree with, it would be censored, relocated, or deleted. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Give you a prime example: Back in June, I made a post stating that Beaufort County Schools would re-open with remote only learning. That post was deleted. Come September, Beaufort County Schools opened with remote only learning. My good friend and next door neighbor is on the committee that decided on that. But the powers that be on this website, know more than those making the decisions, OR SO THEY THOUGHT. Perhaps LISTENING instead of talking, would be a good practice to use on occasion. Not everyone on this site posts things just to bump their gums.

Now delete this one too. I said what I had to say.

Re: How can we make it better.....

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 1:29 pm
by racincowboy02
How about making an app for phone users to be able to use on game nights with the chat option so we could be chatting about games that we are watching live and see how other schools are doing. Im not talking about score stream scores either cause those aren't always right but give us something like an app or someway to be able to chat during friday nights while we are at games that would be freaking cool

Penguin why you always gotta try and start something and always run that flap of yours geez. They asked how can they make it better and you go on a rant about a post freaking being deleted from back in July come on damn enough is enough with all of that

Re: How can we make it better.....

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 1:49 pm
by Onion Rings
need more posters. not sure how to do that

Re: How can we make it better.....

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 1:58 pm
by racincowboy02
The only way to get more posters is to start talking about this site to high school football fans around the state and getting them to join. Once we get them to join we can get them to stay maybe if the few don't run them off. We may also have to put slicker either on a tighter leash or we may have to put him in a cage to keep him secured to not scare them off lol JK slicker you are a funny and good dude i hope one day i can meet up with your and talk football and listen to some of the stories you could tell

Re: How can we make it better.....

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 2:11 pm
by Football1
Twitter. It's free and most sports junkies are already on there.

Re: How can we make it better.....

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 2:15 pm
by Football1
Probably get blasted for this but create a section for SCISA and 8 man. Those folks have no dedicated boards and like talking football as well.

Keep your comments to yourself if you can't admit those kids are athletes too.

Re: How can we make it better.....

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 2:21 pm

Re: How can we make it better.....

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 8:51 pm
by mikey
Football1 wrote:
Thu Sep 24, 2020 2:11 pm
Twitter. It's free and most sports junkies are already on there.
what the hell does Twitter have do with this site...? Lot of us are good friends and like it here...if we wanted to tweet we would...

Re: How can we make it better.....

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 9:16 pm
by EHSMeanGreen
Thank you guys for all your responses.

I do like some of the ideas posted.
Hopefully I will have time to discuss some of them more specifically.
Right now i'm just trying to make sure my spreadsheet is ready for this week's games.

Thank you all for posting at SCPrepTalk! :mrgreen: