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Well I hope everyone is happy

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 5:56 pm
by MrFootball68
you had a chance Rome to shut it down until Feb. You had a chance to give the Srs a good football season. You had a chance to do things the right way but as always you the the hsl screwed up again. Games canceled, seasons ended. Sr lives and seasons ruined. Great job. I hope you are all happy.

Re: Well I hope everyone is happy

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 6:45 pm
by Penguin
In all fairness, The SCHSL did a very good job of putting together something that they were led to believe would work. They were dealt a crappy hand and nearly anything that they did was going to be second guessed, derided, or criticized. I applaud the effort given.

The SCHSL did not bring on Covid-19. They did not create the secondary effects of it either. This season was a long shot at best from the get go. Will it all work out? Of course not. It couldn't because there are too many variables for anyone to control.

I know this will be met with angst and arguments, but right now, the best case scenario would be to just shut it all down until something can be worked out. Playing in the spring is not an option if there is no means to control this virus. But that won't happen, so let's all try to do our best to salvage what we have left and enjoy ourselves while doing so. Staying safe all the while. Wear the damned mask. Stay 6 feet apart. Do what we know works best.

In all fairness, posts like the original one actually serve no purpose other than to open your vents and keep from blowing a fuse. We won't be involved in any decision making, so again, let's enjoy what we have and worry less about what we don't have. My 2 cents

Re: Well I hope everyone is happy

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 6:48 pm
hahahaha, YALL BOTH SUCK

Re: Well I hope everyone is happy

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 9:11 pm
by Rebel-Fan-74
Just because someone isn't afraid of COVID-19 doesn't mean that they don't believe it exists. They actually understand the risks and yet they choose to live their life despite the dangers.

Me, I know it is real, I know it is dangerous. But so is the flu that kills thousands each year. I take precautions and I usually wear a mask in the proper areas. I also find the irony in a lot of the situations; i.e. sitting at my table I don't need a mask, but I do need a mask walking to and from my table or how it is safe to go to Walmart; but not to go to church.

Is it serious? Yes, absolutely.
Are we handling it properly? No, we are not.

We overreact when it suits a certain narrative. Senators screaming that the confirmation hearing should be postponed because it is dangerous.... then two minutes later, three of them in a tight huddle with no masks. Players touching, tackling and even piled up on each other on the field, but we can't allow fans because it is dangerous. Come on!!!! If it is too dangerous for fans in the stands why in the world are we allowing the games to be played????

Just using a tiny bit of common sense, that statement in bold would make you stand back and say, "WHAT?"

I love high school and college football and I don't even have to have "my team" on the field to watch. I'm watching Arkansas State and Georgia State right now, and watched Coastal Carolina win last night, but if it is TRUELY NOT SAFE, then we shouldn't be playing!!!!!

Re: Well I hope everyone is happy

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 9:44 pm
by MrFootball68
1. Slick, you could not carry my jock you old fart. But you like to sniff it.

2. The hsl did NOT do a good job. They never really made a decision until it was top late. All they had to do was wait. Covid will not be here forever. Just be patient but no. Now they are ruining it for many.
You may suck up to Rome and Charlie and that merry band of ding bats all you want but I choose to call it like I see it.

Re: Well I hope everyone is happy

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 10:06 pm
you big tease