Championship sites announcement (update: sites for each class set)
Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 2:01 pm
Spring Valley High School & Benedict College have been announced as the official sites for the South Carolina High School League Football Championships in 2020.
Jerome Singleton wrote:Greetings,
This correspondence is sent to you as an update and announcement of the game sites
for the SCHSL 2020 Football State Championships. After long deliberations and
discussions with the administrators of the venues in consideration, the SC High School
League has agreed to hold the five state championships at the Harry Parone Stadium of
Spring Valley High School and Charlie W. Johnson Stadium of Benedict College.
The games will be held on December 4th & 5th, 2020. The classifications playing at each
site will be decided at a later date. All COVID-19 safety and sanitation protocols as it
relates to spectator attendance will be followed.
Thank you for your patience, understanding, and attention to this matter.
Jerome Singleton, Commissioner
SC High School League